Judah Ben Schroeder - where is he now????

by dreamgolfer 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dreamgolfer

    Did he ever get his Law Degree (old thread) does he practice law?

    or did he take over his In-Laws sell cars to the WTBTS Dealership?

    What happened to the Book ?


    Add to my library books.google.com http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Role_of_Jehovah_s_Witnesses_in_the_E.html?id=f4mZYgEACAAJ&utm_source=gb-gplus-share The Role of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Emergent Right of Conscientious Objection to Military Service in International Law The Role of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Emergent Right of Conscientious Objection to Military Service in International Law

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    The Role of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Emergent Right of Conscientious Objection to Military Service in International Law

    0 Reviews http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Role_of_Jehovah_s_Witnesses_in_the_E.html?id=f4mZYgEACAAJ University of Essex , 2009 - 118 pages
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    Bibliographic information
    TitleThe Role of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Emergent Right of Conscientious Objection to Military Service in International Law
    AuthorJudah Ben Schroeder
    PublisherUniversity of Essex, 2009
    Length118 pages
  • james_woods

    I believe that I saw it posted here that he was sort of "helped" out of Bethel by the powers that be and was still a witness but seldom heard from now.

    I met him when he was about 10 years of age when I went to a congregation servants school that his father taught in Pittsburgh, PA.

    I have to say that from what I saw of his life at that time, it would not be at all surprising if he ended up with adult issues from it.

  • james_woods

    Thought I would bring this back up to the top again - we used to have a few people here who were pretty knowledgeable about Ben Schroeder.

    Anybody that can confirm or revise my vague memory of this?

  • donuthole

    I heard that he married into a money and that his wife's father owned the company that leased the CO vehicles. However, http://www.circuitvehicles.com/home/ is owned by the Society and ran out of Bethel so I don't know what the story is.

  • james_woods

    What I heard, donuthole, was that the girl's father had an Oldsmobile dealership in the midwest and FORMERLY did a lot of CO leases. I think that the society took over later.

    There was a thread here a long time ago about how ostentatious the wedding was, and how some Bethelites were somewhat shocked by it.

    It seems that as I recall (disclaimer - have no direct link or proof) - it was said that the girl's family put him through law school, but that for some reason he did not go into the society law department, and it was thought that he had a falling out of sorts with Brooklyn.

    Which is why I bumped the thread - I am sure there are some here who know more about it than I can recall.

    I can tell you I really felt sorry for him as a ten-year-old kid because of the positively weird adolesent life he obviously had. Old Al Shroeder got him in front of us one day at breakfast to make him recite various WT quotations on demand like a talking horse-boy, for example.

  • yknot

    Anyone out in Cali got any 'deep insight' on what happened with Judah B's and Walter Bass' Ministerial Support Foundation (Charitable Org in Anaheim/Fresno)?

    I haven't heard off hand of him pursing JD....perhaps happy with masters....double checked NY Bar and he isn't recognized.

  • tresdecu

    If he's a lawyer...wonder what kind of public records there are out there: BAR assoc. cases worked on / filed etc. Interesting thread.

  • Leolaia

    Is his name a patronymic, or is Ben short for Benjamin?

  • yknot


    I looked through a few bar registries.....nada.

    I am thinking he got masters and is focusing on human rights spin.

    If anyone has access to Columbia Alumni ......look him up!


    Leolaia.... I have always heard it is as just 'Ben'.

  • dreamgolfer

    He and his wife own a condo in Florida (Hillsboro Beach, FLA) Broward County, worth about $366K

    Wondered if any " in the know" in FL have any more details

    IS he active, etc. etc.....

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