I never could figure out what they taught about Jesus or Christ and I was born-in. My mind was a melting pot of secular Christianity, Roman Catholicism from the the neighborhood kids, and Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact, I was reading the orange Paradise Lost terror of my youth bk the other night and saw no ready explanation for Jesus. When people called him Lord, I assumed they meant Lord God. I knew they did not believe in the Trinity.
My parents never explained it to me. Neither did my grandparents or aunts and uncles. NO family friends discussed it.
I only realized what it was when I read Ray Franz. A New York Times article reported they had a problem on their hands with Michael Jackson being seen by black teenagers as Christ, the Archangel Michael.
Christology seems the most important component to Christianity. I only see an ethical point without Christology. My gut feeling from reading Paul is that their is no express Trinity but neither is their a disavowal. The question never is resolved. Was it important to early Christians or did Paul's Christians have a world view already. Maybe they were also confused. Perhaps b/c my present church uses the Nicene Creed, I fail to see any support in Paul for this spooky spirit being.
After being here a while, I still don't know what sort of spook Jesus was, according to the WT. I can understand an extraordinary human adopted by God or God. I suppose they have an intermediate view.
Looking back, much that I did not understand is explained by this view of Jesus. Frankly, I don't think I was unique wth such a blended version of Jesus. I wonder what would happen if you questioned the average Witness.
Last Lent we did gospel parallels in church adult study. If I had a gospel parallel book, I could not keep all the details straight. I asked the priest if he had a cheat sheet. He did. What a mix of Cecil B. DeMille, Kantzenzakis. gospels, popular culture, Renaissance, etc. It is head ache inducing.