Technically incorrect, but effectively he does ...
If we're to believe the Genesis account the serpent deceived Eve and made her eat of the tree of knowledge. It all went pear shaped from there on in, although most people believe it was an apple (boom tish).
But anyway ...
Either it was a literal serpent that could talk on it's own behalf or, as people typically believe, it was Satan who was the puppet master and possessing the creature.
The first raises all sorts of questions that contradict the whole bible narrative (another creature that could reason, talk, debate existence and law etc...) so let's go with "the Satan theory".
How does got react to his 'perfect' creation immediately being completely imperfect as soon as he takes it out of the box? (he's like 0 for 4 ... satan, serpent, woman, man ... all break his rules)
He lashes out an kicks the puppy! (temper, temper)
Does he punish Satan at all for his apparent crime? No - he gets away free and the snake gets it all instead.
Genesis 3:14 has him punishing the puppy, erm, I mean the puppet:
So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.
Not only does he punish that snake, he punishes all snakes forever more ... for all time.
But wait, think about it - it's even better. Not only does the snake talk ... we now have god, the supreme creator of the universe talking to the friggin snake!
WTF kind of idiot is he?!?!
Does he really think the snake was responsible in any way shape or form for the archangel that took it over Or are we to believe that the snake had some part in the plot? Does he think it's the ringleader?
It's laughable what a piece of nonsense it is and yet millions read it and never think about it at anything more than face value even thought the face value is full of stupid.
Yet another reason the bible is a useless piece of crap.