Part of the USA's Violent Past

by fulltimestudent 14 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent
  • GrreatTeacher

    It might just be my tablet, but I can't hear any audio.

    Would be interested in watching this.

  • stillin
    Gotta love Woodie Guthrie! Songs about the down-to-earth people that made America. Thanks for sharing that!
  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thank you Fulltimestudent for sharing some American history I was not aware of. I googled it and read some and will read more later.

    The mines were owned by Rockefeller Jr. Controlled by him while living in New York City. That area of mines he owned in Colorado had the highest rate of accidents and death from poorly shorned up (is that the right word?) mining structures. The miners were paid for the tonnage they produced, not how they dug it out. (Tunnelling was on their time/dime.) Meaning during those early years Rockefellar did not pay the workers for 'making' the tunnels to get the coal, they were paid for delivering the coal.

    At the end of the video he sang he 'hung'... I was so afraid he was going to say he hung himself, but he said, hung his head in shame.


  • _Morpheus
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Morpheus, "Part of chinas violent present"

    And what relevance does that have for this thread?

  • fulltimestudent
    Village Idiot20 minutes agoMorpheus, "Part of chinas violent present"
    And what relevance does that have for this thread?

    It's not particularly relevant, VI, as you say - but I do not mind that Morpheus says it. But I do mind, that he did not bother to read it properly. The particular publication, applied the whole 200 million claimed abortions on China, whereas the article was talking about the whole world.

    I quote a section from Morpeus's cited article:

    The United Nations estimates that about 200 million girls are missing from the world due to this rampant genocide – now commonly called “gendercide.”

    Misquoting (whether intentionally of carelessly), is not a particularly good way to conduct an argument, is it?

    "Gendercide," as Morpheus' article named the practise, has indeed been a problem in China, and to an extent still is. For those to whom the one-child policy applied, the clear preference was to have a son. It was a common practise for many, to go to an ultra-sound clinic to identify the sex of the foetus, and to abort females. The use of ultra sound technology for that purpose is now banned in China.

    The same problem exists in India and other places in the world, and is certainly complicated by the issues surrounding abortion in the west.

    So a calm cool examination of the problem leads our thoughts in other directions to the "China bad, America good" narrative that Morpheus tapped into.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    fulltimestudent, I think that Morpheus' post was ideologically motivated in that he doesn't like any criticism of the United States and thinks he could minimize it by pointing to somebody else's wrongdoing.
  • fulltimestudent
    GrreatTeacher2 days ago

    It might just be my tablet, but I can't hear any audio.

    Would be interested in watching this.

    1. The sound may be switched off on the Youtube video.

    The video was one component in this FB/Upworthy post that I saw on a friend's FB page.

    However, once you know the name of the incident, just google it .

    I didn't know of that incident, but there are many, many others. American historian, Howard Zinn, in his book: A People's History of the United States, in chapter 10 entitled, "The Other Civil War," discusses many similar incidents.

    The first such incident being the, Anti-renter Movement which started in 1839,

  • SonoftheTrinity
    The weird part of the gendercide is that men are emigrating from China, not just for the money or the freedom, but to find a wife. Expect more Black and Latino Chinese people in the world. Its going to be interesting how Chinese society reacts to miscegenation out of necessity.

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