Code Words for Fade Mode?

by SophieG 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG

    There has got to be some kind of code word system to find out if someone you know is in "fade mode"! LOL!!!

    What do you do when you suspect a JW is on the way out? may notice that they don't talk about meetings or service on social media...they don't even list JW as their religion. They may also be very liberal as far as association and activities.

    The natural inclination is to find like minded idividuals to interact with, but at the same time you run the risk of outing your self.

    How have some of you guys dealt with this?

  • LostGeneration

    Code phrases might include:

    "I've been depressed"

    "I've been really busy"

    "Working like crazy right now, boss is really bearing down on me"

    "Been having to help out (so and so relative) they've been real sick"

    "I'm trying to get a new business off the ground" (with no mention of how it will allow them to pioneer later on)

    If they are a real aggressive fader you might hear a "I'm taking some time for myself right now" or "I'm going back to school"

    You're right though, you can't risk saying anything to anyone unless you are willing to be outed yourself. Welcome to the matrix.

  • LostGeneration

    Sorry, just re-read your post and I missed the point there. Unfortunately there's no code word -maybe we should make one up.

    How about- Sparlock Rules!

  • aposta-Z

    "Are you a friend of Sparlock?"
    That could work...

  • Red Piller
    Red Piller

    I agree. Would love to think of a word or a sign.

    Here is the thread I started on this:

  • SophieG

    LostGeneration said:“If they are a real aggressive fader you might hear a "I'm taking some time for myself right now"…

    Actually I have told people I took a spiritual vacation! LOL!

    How about- Sparlock Rules!

    I ACTUALLY LIKE THAT! I may even go as far as posting something obnoxious on Facebook just to see who gets it! LOLOL!!!

    Red Piller: I read your post. That would be kinda cool….folks would be wondering what’s up with the crazy yellow ties!!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "I'm attending university fulltime." works for me

  • Glander

    How about, "I'm just taking a break while they figure out what the fuck the truth is and then stay with it for longer than 18 goddam months!"

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "I'm attending university fulltime." works for me

    Mine will be "Attending university on meeting nights" this fall. . .

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    How about "Boo-Yah"?

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