New YouTube vide - Anthony Morris III reminds us of our privilege to donate to the Worldwide Work

by cedars 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Maybe someone can confirm, but I vaguely remember hearing how WTBTS has a team that handles nothing but estate issues of donated property after an old JW dies, and leaves it to them in their will? i.e. they handle probate matters, real estate sales, etc. Anyone know for sure how that is handled?

    Talk about the final insult: members give their entire lives to a lie, and feel compelled to leave their earthly possessions to the society, as well, perhaps with the idea of giving Jehovah "a reason (read: $$$) to remember them" as being worthy of resurrection in the New System? Is that what that phrase means? Now THAT'S sick....

    PS anyone (Blondie, maybe?) know what scripture the Society is referring to when they talk about "a reason to remember you" during resurrection?


    Hmmm, I wonder if Tony's wealthy father would cut him out of the will, simply becuase he doesn't approve of Tony's religious beliefs? I wonder if he'd leave his $$$ to Tony, if he understood it ALL would be going to WTBTS if Tony doesn't have children, or if the kids are DF/DA/apostates?

    Ironic too, as if the shoe was on the other foot, Tony would cut his DF/DA/Apostate non-JW kids out of HIS will in a heart-beat, and leave it to WTBTS....

  • clarity

    WoW! .... makes me wonder how much money that Tony has actually worked for,


    is given to the so called ww work!


    They are consistant tho ....... give more time, give more money.....


    oh yeah, that will fix everything!

    I hate cults!

    As always Cedars excellent work!


  • clarity

    LostGeneration .... love Carlin!!!!! Thanx for posting

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Yeah, cults suck.

    But, there is no need for anyone to stay in if they don't want to.... Break free people (if you are a JW).... Your new life awaits.

    The Oracle

  • blondie

    All it tells me is that the rank and file are not donating as they have in the past or that the WTS other sources of money have dropped off (investments, sale of property).

    First they tell people to simplify their lives financially to pioneer, not get education to increase their income, and then find the money to give to them, while they are buying property at Warwick and New Jersey, to build a fancy living arrangements as they close branch offices and shift the printing.

    After 50 years around the WTS, I have not seen such pressure on jws to donate, not even the years before 1975.

    Far different from any pressure bringing to bear now

    *** km 6/98 p. 6 par. 20 Caring for the Master’s Belongings ***In the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, as a general rule, financial matters are mentioned just once a month—and only for a few minutes. No collection plates are passed in Kingdom Halls or at assemblies. No solicitations for funds are sent to individuals. No fund-raisers are hired. Normally, The Watchtower has just one article a year explaining how those who so desire can make contributions to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in order to support the worldwide work. There is no regular mention of Society finances in Awake! How, then, has the enormous worldwide work of preaching the good news, building necessary Kingdom Halls, caring for those in special full-time service, and giving aid to Christians in need been accomplished? Jehovah has blessed his people in a wonderful way with a spirit of generosity. (2 Cor. 8:2)

    -------------But somehow this scripture is being overlooked or misapplied.


  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    As far as giving Jehovah a good reason to remember to resurrect someone in the New System, I found the following on

    cl chap. 24 pp. 240-249

    Chapter 24

    Nothing Can “Separate Us From God’s Love”

    The Bible repeatedly connects the resurrection hope with Jehovah ’s memory. The faithful man Job said to Jehovah : “O . . . that you would set a time limit for me and remember me!” (Job 14:13) Jesus referred to the resurrection of “all those in the memorial tombs.” This was appropriate because Jehovah perfectly remembers the dead whom he intends to resurrect.John 5:28, 29.


    • w00 6/1 pp. 14-19
    • ‘Save Yourself and Those Who Listen to You’

    7 In modern times Jehovah ’s Witnesses have also persevered in the Christian work, even though they have experienced vicious persecution. Has their endurance been in vain? Certainly not, for Jesus assured us: “He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved,” whether that proves to be the end of the old system or the end of one’s present life. In the resurrection , Jehovah will remember and reward all his faithful servants who have died.Matthew 24:13; Hebrews 6:10.

    Pretty slimy, since neither of those scriptures are specific to the resurrection hope, i.e. more evidence of JWs inserting only loosely-connected passages to support a tenuous stance.

    Of course, leaving one's Earthly assets to an apostate/DF/DA beneficiary rather than the WTBTS is likely something that would be frowned upon by Jehovah, and possibly result in his "forgetting" about someone (oops, another continuity slip: how can an omniscient being "forget"?).

    But point is, would someone who lived their entire life in hopes of gaining eternal life in the New System (petting lions, etc) suddenly turn over a new leaf near death, and not use it as an opportunity to grease YHWH's palm to gain admission, running up the score just to make sure you're not forgotten?

    Highly unlikely....

  • cedars

    For those who are interested, I should clarify that this talk was given nearly seven years ago in the fall of 2005.

    I find that fascinating for two reasons...

    1. As I have mentioned on this forum in a previous thread, I believe you can chart the current decline of the organization back to 2005, which was when the monthly magazine printing commitments began to be slashed. Against this backdrop, it's easy to understand why a Governing Body member would be pleading for contributions from the platform, since the Governing Body were likely entering "panic mode" at that time - trying to figure out how they could raise extra cash. Pummeling the brothers and reminding them of their "privilege" to donate was likely the first idea on the whiteboard during their brain-storming session.
    2. Anthony Morris was appointed to the Governing Body in the same year as this talk was given. Yet, in his anecdote about his father (in which he proudly tells him "I'm part of the THEY!") there is a self-confidence and arrogance unbecoming of a "newbie" GB member still trying to find his feet and grow accustomed to his new role. I think that tells us a lot about his considerable ego. He clearly feels the authority and prominence he now enjoys was his birthright.


  • Aware!

    I find your short videos very informative and amusing. Thanks!!

  • designs

    King Solomon- I think there is a team that works on Estates and getting the money to the Wt.. We had a wealthy sister in the last KH I was in and she had included a large sum to the Wt.. Before she was even dead the Brooklyn brothers were bugging her brother to forward the Money early. To his credit he told them to shove it.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    There is some truth in Anthony's's the comments by his old wealthy father who is not a Jehovah's Witness,"You're just stupid Tony....they're just taking advantage of you".

    Your dads right on the money Anthony, you shoulda listened to your old man.

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