Email exchange with a JW MS that I used to know

by loosie 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • loosie

    I have to laugh at this email exchange had with an MS I used to know. A little background first so you will understand why I was amd at him. About 25 years or so ago we dated fro about 2 weeks. @ weeks was all my stomach could handle and I broke it off. I walk with a slight limp ( another long JW story) he told me while we were dating that I should get that fixed as it made me less cute. After I broke it off he told me he wished I had never been born. A little harsh don't you think coming from an MS? Well being the good little JW I was you have to have peace with your brothers. So we made nice again.

    Well about one year ago I found him on facebook. He asked how my congregation was... I told him I didn't go anymore. WHen I ask why I brought up the NGO/UN info. He said he would look it up. nOt once did I say anything about not beleiveing in god or speak against god. He said that he wouldn't be talking to me anymore since I wasn't a witness. No big deal to me. I let it go at that. Until A few months ago my very close friend got out of the witnesses. She told me that he called up all our mutual friends and told them I was apostate. Well that certainly pissed me off. Form then on it was on. I have no intention of converting him to be normal but my intention was to irritate him and let him know that I think it was wrong that he told people I was apostate.

    So I emailed him info on the Candice Conti case... no response... I emailed he info about the Canadian Lawyer who had a conflict of interest because he was a Jw and he set up a trust for a person to ahve his money go to the wt society upon his death... no response. I sent him info about MJ's mom going to Indiana to celebrate MJ's birthday... BINGO a response.

    He asked me not to send him anymore emails and that he has marked my emails as spam and won't be seeing these in his inbox anymore. So I told him you get what you deserve for being a pompous ass and telling my friends that I was an apostate.

    So then I get a four paragraph email reply ALL IN CAPS LOCK, saying that I am an apostate. that I am just trying to hurt him and cast doubt on jahs organization. then he says this: BY THE WAY, THIS DID NOT HURT ME!. I DID NOT EVEN READ THE LINKS. I FIND YOU PATHETIC AND SADLY AMUSING. and that I need to worry about important things in life rather then trying to yank his chain. if I send him anymore emails he will turn me into the elders. YOUR VIEWS ARE APOSTATE. I STAND BY MY POSITION AND I HAVE NO INTENTION OF MODIFYING IT UNLESS YOU MODIFY YOUR BEHAVIOR AND RETURN TO JAH AND HIS ORGANIZATION. and then he ended by telling me to get right with jah.

    so here was my reply:

    I will answer your question because I have nothing to hide. Unlike you, you don't answer my questions or you can't answer them. I found out recently you called people telling them I am an apostate. Which I don't appreciate at all. The definition of apostate is someone who leaves their religion. All jws who have left their religion to become jws are apostate.... So it seems you are in company with apostates at the meetings. If you looked at the links you would see that they are current events so I couldn't send you them a year ago. I don't care if you believe in god or not but the organization you are in certainly doesn't represent Christianity at all. They are hypocrites who change their beliefs and rules every decade or so. I am very concerned about the important things in my life. I am very happy with my life. This is what I do to people who call me an apostate who don't even know the meaning of the word. You can share these emails with whoever you want...I don't give a rats ass. I don't live my life trying to please windows washing elders... Their rules don't apply to my life. I won't modify my behavior for you, elders or anyone else.

    I am glad that you don't have children. That way they won't have a chance to be molested by "brothers" in the organization you so proudly represent. And that you won't be bringing another generation into this cult you belong to.

    Your organization is not jahs organization. God is to big for one religion. Don't feel sorry for me. I am the happiest I've ever been. I have a wonderful kind husband and a beautiful daughter who is smart and independent.

    I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm trying to get you to realize your behavior is ruled by group of men in NY, and not your own mind. When you are 80 and the new system isn't here you'll remember this. Maybe you'll wonder why you wasted your life in that group.

    Obviously this did get to you or you would have taken caps lock off. Lol

    Now remember he said all my emails are to the spam folder... so why is he still replying?

    So he then replies BYE.

    To which I respond just like a jw when you cant answer the questions you turn tail and run.

    then he says he is done haivng this conversation.

    What gets me is that he wants to turn me into my elders.... I don't have elders. Now there are some men I used to know that call themselves elders but we are equals and they can't tell me what to do or not to do. Cracks me up.

    Not some may think I was to harsh on him, but this guy isn't a person I would have been friends with if we weren't jws and had to be friends. Even if he wasn't a jw is would still be a jerk.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    What an a-hole.


    I suggest you move on, which I am sure you will be doing anyway. Sounds like this guy is a real nut job.

    It never ceases to amaze me how high the percentage of jackasses is within the JW membership. I think the doctrine attracts some real winners.

    Good luck to you! Glad you are enjoying your freedom in the real world.


    The Oracle

  • Aware!


    Typical indoctrinated persecution complex and looking down at people like a pharisee: one who is confident of his own righteousness and looks down on others .


    then he ended by telling me to get right with jah.

    Cognitive dissonance at its best. Oh, and Jah didn't have an organisation in Biblical times.

  • loosie

    He got so upset. I got a whole email with caps lock on. Seems to me if you are yelling you are upset. Most people I don't care to annoy. But this guy is an ass. After recalling the things he said to me 25 years ago I finally now realize I shouldn't have stood for it at all.

  • torrent

    Why care if he says your an apostate. I get that often and it neither bothers me or even get a reaction from the elders of my former congregation.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The "sadly amusing" bit is not going to earn him any points if a mature elder were to see the e-mail; those words would (well, should) earn him a reprimand, as it reeks of getting some kind of sadistic joy out of a "lost sheeps" state...

    On the other hand, your window-washer crack won't earn you any points, either.... :smile:

  • Aware!

    I think we should drop completely the whole window washer thing. We cannot take out our anger for being mislead on those who are being mislead. They are victims just like you were.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Every JW needs to be reminded that they, personally, don't have the balls to answer reasonable questions.

    Nice one Loosie

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    He sounds like the kind of JW that convinced me the "spiritual paradise" was all a scam.

  • Farkel

    : I walk with a slight limp ( another long JW story) he told me while we were dating that I should get that fixed as it made me less cute. After I broke it off he told me he wished I had never been born.

    He's a very kind and loving JW, don't you see? Just oozing with Christian love. No wonder he's a Ministerial Servant. He is perfectly qualified to take care of the flock.

    Kill him, but only in moderation.



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