If Serena wins gold, will she stand for the US Anthem?

by Open mind 36 Replies latest social physical

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    JWS love celebrities for it gives them public notoriety, similar to how the Scientologists exploit their celebrities.

    Of course, Scientologists have an office team in LA dedicated to catering to their famous, high-profile members (Cruise, Travolta, Jason Lee, etc), as they understand the role celebrity members play in attracted new members.

  • Finkelstein

    King Solomon

    Boy what a catch would the William sisters be for the WTS. !

    Its funny how JWS glorify and idolize celebrities who associate with their organization, even in spite

    of their personal social behaviors.

    Remember how the JWS use to talk about Micheal Jackson.

  • Jim_TX

    All I know is that while watching Serens play... on one hand I was glad to see someone so talented playing a sport that they enjoy.

    On the other hand, I was mentally grinding my teeth, remembering all the B.S. I bought into as a kiddo about not playing sports - or being competitive, etc.

    In High School, I had the basketball coach ask me if I wanted to play on the basketball team. I had to decline... being a good lil' JW.

    I may not have been any good at basketball... I know I'm not good now, nor was I back then... but that was without training of any sort.

    So... grrrrrr... to Serena Williams and her sister. And BOOOOOO!!!! to their parents who encourage their participation in sports like this.

    Hey. I'm not negative or anything... right?


    Jim TX

  • Leolaia

    Oracene loves the Flag too. <3

  • willyloman

    They are dubs in the way that adults whose parents took them to the Baptist Church grow up and identify as Baptists.

    Surely you noticed that a lot of dubs treat their dub affiliation as a "religion" in the conventional sense, whereas others are all in and consider it a way of life.

    What blondie said about religiously divided households is absolutely true. Kids with a parent (usually the father) who's "not in the truth" have one foot in each world and want to please both parents. It's an awkward dance.

  • Leolaia
  • Balaamsass

    I wonder If how these famous people who donate $$ to WTBTS are treated could be used in court. An attorney was explaining to me the concept of how Cities get sued for "spotty enforcement". Employers get sued for "Similarly situated employees". Courts let rules stand IF they are administered EVENLY. If you try to defend a law or rule..it has to be enforced EVENLY..... If not possible lawsuit. hummmmmmmmmm

  • Etude

    Holy crap, I hadn't conceived how they would act, carrying the flag around and wearing it on their clothing. Haven't they been in this situation before? I recall one of them saying how proud she was to represent her "country", meaning the U.S. Maybe they're using it ("country") in a popular way rather than a political or governmental way. OK, that's one way to quibble. Too bad the people in Malawi didn't have that benefit back in the 70s. I presume they'll stand on the podium for the gold if they win but may not put a hand over the heart. If they do, then they'll just have to run back to the congo and ask forgiveness from the elders.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    The flag on her chest doesn't bother me as much as how nasty her arm pit looks....

  • jam

    A few years back my youngest daughter and my ex-

    lived in Ok. One nite after the meeting was over my

    daughter notice a young lady sitting in the back. My daughter

    walk over to the stranger and introduce herself. My

    daughter at the time a teenager.

    My daughter, "my name is ------and what,s your name?

    Serena William,

    My daughter: so do you live near?

    Serena: no I from Calif.

    daughter:so what brings you to Oklahoma city?

    Serena: tennis.

    daughter: that,s nice.

    Bless her heart, my daughter had no clue who she was.

    She was told later.

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