Anthony Morris III---- Who Really Gives a Sh*t About Him Anyway?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scott77

    "They are a dime a dozen in this organization, really nothing special." -Finkelstein

    I think that's the point of showing the videos. Other than being a scary standup comic, the loon is nothing special. It's self-evident right from his own mouth and body language.-Marvin Shilmer

    Yep, right on the point. I would not be surprised that Anthony Morris III is the new 'ted jaracz'


  • minimus

    Cedars, please don't think I was suggesting YOU shouldn't be putting this stuff out. I appreciate these videos!

    It just seems there have been more than a few threads, not just yours, that highlight this BORE!

    I look forward to your exposes on some of the other knuckleheads!


    Anthony Morris Is the Ultimate WatchTard..

    You people have lost your Tard..

    You need to go back to the Kingdom Hall and get..


    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    Thanks minimus, I'm glad you approve! I guess I've taken to heart a comment that Blondie made once: "hang them by their own words". Governing Body members can be very guarded and "diplomatic" when they're having their words immortalized in the literature, but they tend to talk more freely on the platform. So far, Anthony Morris III is far and away the best example of this. His immense ego and worrying lack of intelligence are there on open display for all to see. Hopefully, my videos are giving these flaws the unwanted exposure they deserve.

    In contrast, I've been listening to a Stephen Lett talk this afternoon, and there's hardly anything noteworthy in all of the 45 minutes. His over-the-top gestures and facial expressions may be noteworthy from a visual/comical perspective, but (in this talk at least) his actual words are extremely dull. In fact, it's hard not to nod off if you don't have his crazy expressions to keep you awake. His monologue is far more guarded and entirely predictable. In fact, he could have been reading straight out of a Watchtower for all I know. Still, I'll keep listening to his other talks until I hopefully find something to put on a video. I have high standards in that respect - it needs to be genuinely eyebrow-raising to make the cut. I have a number of various GB talks downloaded to my computer that I'm slowly trawling through.


  • minimus

    Anthony is a real Outlaw!

  • Finkelstein

    One must keep in mind that JWS/WTS. speakers are trained and pushed to give resounding uplifting speeches to support the organization's


    The more guilt and fear mentioned in the talks, the more it perceived as encouraging and uplifting.

    This is how religious cults mentally overwhelm and indoctrinate people especially so to young impressionable teens.

    You can just imagine how many pat on the backs this Anthony Morris gets after his speeches from the other listening JWS.


    Anthony is a real Outlaw!...

    Anthony is Bumbling Villian..

    A Poster Boy for why the WBT$ is a Mess and will Never Recover..

    A Walking Talking Billboard of Bad Advertising for the WBT$..

    It would be a Shame not to use him to Our Advantage..

    This isn`t Funny..

    You Apostate..S.O.B.`s!!..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    lol OUTLAW, I could actually imagine him saying that!!


  • Finkelstein

    Morris is just another playing the role as a fear mongering sales representative for the WTS. corporation.

    Let it be realized that you climb the ladder in this organization by being a unrelenting and unremitting asshole.

  • blondie

    Not that the WTS doesn't say dumb stuff on the pages of its publications.....considered more official; having GB members test run dumb stuff in public talks gives the WTS the ability to test drive dumb stuff but give themselves deniability to blame it on the individual.

    Many jws would hang on anything from Fred Franz' mouth and he test drove many wild ideas...even Knorr. My last talk I heard by a GB was by Jack Barr, the concluding talk of the DC; where he told jw parents that if their children were not baptized when Armageddon came, their children would die. Considering that 6 year olds are allowed to get baptized, are ready to get baptized per the WTS representatives, that means a lot of parents were looking over at their children and grandchildren, especially those without jw parents. He raced off the stage and back to the administration room, no waiting around for handshaking for him.

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