At West End, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, a mad Muslim man has been arguing with a Christian pastor in the streets over the pastors preaching. Yesterday was too much for him....the muslim went up to him after much pleading from friends not to do so, and set fire to the pastor. His reason? The Pastor hurt his heart...he complained of a heart problem...and his Islamic faith!
How intolerable are these people! Admittedly, most are genuine people, who are well balanced like most of the world. Is is a Christian country first and formost and we tolerate any other religion and culture just as long as it doesn't violate the most sacred of commandments - the 10.
I don't get how these people can worship a God who is so cruel and intolerable and who rewards murderers. It makes me weep. Lack of natural affection is definitely evident in the world today.
I just feel really depressed about the whole situation of this world. And after reading that bizarre hit and run story...that is the sickest thing I ever heard. She failed to assist someone to cover her own butt....pride is a dangerous thing.
I'm not preaching here, just getting some painful things of my chest and nothing hurts me more than seeing people suffer, especially children.