How many of us have had issues with Blood??

by lydia 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • chezza

    omg bck you fornicate, how could you ;)

  • lydia

    The reason I asked was that I faced a horrible time when My youngest child contracted E. Coli and had hemolyitic Uremic Syndrome as a result..this dropped her hemoglobin to 4.5 from 14.. so needless to say it was a hard time as the Dr's were adament about her recieving blood - they got a Court order to do so - I was so releived - we had alot of people down at the hospital - from the cong - but none could understand the feeling I had at the time.
    This was my baby's life they were talking about ( she was almost 2 at the time! )
    Thankfully she had a mild case and recovered..but it was the begining of the end for me.
    I'm glad to see I was not the only one with the feeling of relief that the court stepped in!
    As to blood today - yes I would accept it!
    (((hugs to all)))



  • Joyzabel

    This is a good question, Lydia.

    I'm sorry to hear about the problems you had to go through with your daughter. I am glad she is alive today. What a horribly emotions time for you. I hope you have healed from the guilt you had felt.

    I, like Scully, hemorrhaged after my first delivery. I can remember getting very euphoric while in and out of consciousness but refusing blood.

    Having worked in the medical field for the past 25 years and having known that the blood stance was a hard one to understand for me, much less the average jw, I today would not hesitate to take a transfusion of any kind that would save one's life. Life is the precious thing, not the symbol of it!


  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I'm not opposed to having a blood tranfusion but I wouldn't unless it was very necessary. I know of two instances where a blood tranfusion killed people. My aunt and my daughters grandma-in-law. It's not as safe as some may think. Both instances were mistakes by the doctors.

    I have no religious stigma associated with it.

    Ken P.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Blood saved my life; that is, some very intelligent, skillful and kind doctors got a court order to give me blood. This is when I was much younger, but an adult. I was unconscious and bleeding to death. My JW family refused to give permission.

    This was not a situation where one or two units would be enough and therefore one could argue that it was unnecessary. I needed many, many units and I got them.

    As Lee Elder has pointed out, many JW kids will leave the religion later in life. So, the courts act with wisdom when they order life-saving transfusions for children.

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    My JW grandmother died after refusing blood so the issue has always
    been of concern to me. In 1990 my family physician asked me some tough
    questions about the use of blood fractions that I could not answer. I didn't think too much of it at the time. 3 years before that my grandfather (not a JW) pressed me very hard about the blood issue - I think he was concerned about losing both a wife and a grandaughter. In 1995 my wife had serious surgerey but managed without blood - later that same year another physician cornered me again on the blood issue - this time on the internet. That was the beginning of the end for me.
    The chance on the "generation" doctrine had compelled me to take the blinders off.



    I faced the blood issue 2 months before my baptism in June of 85. I was pregnant with twins. I'd been having problems already and had been on my back for 2 weeks. The elders wanted me to come over so they could go over my first set of questions for baptism. My husband took me, I did great, the elders you think would have come to my home, huh. Right after we left I started bleeding profusely. I miscarried the twins and my blood count dropped to a 4 or 6. No elders or anyone (we were new to the area)came to visit. On the way to the hospital my husband dropped our 2 year old off at a sisters house. My hubby was so scared, he said he was scared I was going to die and he didn't know how he was going to face our son and tell him he didn't have a Mommy anymore. Afterwards, my JW Mother-in-law told me that losing the twins was for the best and that Jehovah knows what is best. It killed me to hear this garbage, it hurt too bad. I'm crying as I write this. I didn't know it would still hurt after all these years. The sad thing is I would have died thinking I had God's approval. The saddest thing is if I had died my poor hubby might have ended up marrying a REAL Witness Witch and just think of what my poor little boy would have had to suffer through.

    My heart bleeds no more for the Org.


  • Joyzabel


    I'm so sorry you lost your twins. It will always hurt to think about it. You did nothing wrong to cause the loss.

    I'm so glad that you are here with us and can look at life without the wtbts binder's on.


  • gilwarrior

    The reason I originally left the org was because of the blood issue. It never personally affected my life, but I always felt it was wrong.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

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