Happy anniversary Cedars, congratualtions on all you have accomplished this year.
Thanks to everyone on this forum!
by cedars 59 Replies latest jw friends
Happy anniversary!
nancy drew
We have all enjoyed your friendship immensely
life is to short
I am so glad that you are here, I love your take on things and everything you have accomplished. JW survey is wonderful. Just thanks for all of your hard work.
Happy Anniversary!
Also, here a nickel's worth of free advice, that you haven't asked for.
Take it easy. Be kind to yourself, Lord. The WT will be going strong when we're all dead. Pursue your dreams and leave the cult in your rearview mirror.
You could probably use a break, hence my advice.
cult classic
This forum has been a tremendous help to many of us here. I know it has been for me. I was, as you were, devastated to learn that over thirty years of my life had been spent serving the WTS instead of living my own life. What I wouldn't give to have just half of that time back. I try to keep busy so that I feel the last little bit of my life will have some accomplishments, and some enjoyment.
So glad that your wife is now on board. That is the most important thing. My husband and I have been married forty years, and I am so glad that we are out together. We now get to enjoy a weekend morning instead of hurrying to service or a meeting.
I also enjoy your posts. Glad you are here.
Here's to many more
Been a year of Secret Thor worship already??? How the time flies cedars :-) happy annaversary, glad you are here ;)
Dont forget the poll! Remind them to take the poll!!!!! :D
Happy Aniversery.