The “James Letter” was indeed written with a poison pen and it tore at my heart while reading it. It could have been written by a Witness, but we have no proof of this and I don’t want to draw that conclusion without it. We have seen in recent days that others besides Jehovah’s Witnesses want nothing to do with LGBT people, even if they are their own daughters and sons. Witnesses are not the first, last and only religion to consign any involved in a same-sex relationship or who wished for one to eternal damnation.
I can only hope that James has moved on. Five years have passed since his father sent this letter to him so maybe James has found comfort, solace and healing elsewhere. But I have to think that this father has wounded himself most of all. Will he come to his senses and rethink his stance? We can only hope so but if not, I would have to think that his deathbed will be a very remorseful one.