Maybe you are an atheist.
Maybe you are agnostic.
You have left a cult, left behind an entire belief system, complete with detailed instructions on how to live..rules to follow for every aspect of your very life. It's over. You know it was a big lie.
You are now naked, staring at your soul. Just you, just your own thoughts, just your own voice, your own feelings. Raw. No external messages. You alone. Maybe you have gone there..
You gradually learn to wean yourself from needing the approval of others. In time your inner voice becomes more audible than any outside noise. You trust your instincts, intuition, gut. Your reasoning skills become more keen.
You become comfortable in your own skin.
Do you still believe in love?
Do you need it? Do you want it?
You are now self-sufficient, so do you even desire love from another person (friend, lover..)?
Or have you become aphilia(?) ?
This self-discovery upon leaving the cult can leave a person stripped of so much. Stripped down to bare essentials, naked actually. Do you still believe in love?
If you care to share...