A number of peculiar events, opinions and repercussions attend Rutherford's advent as the sole dictator of the Watch Tower society.
Rutherford was clearly of the opinion Romans 13.1 was defunct by 1914.
This, in turn, he viewed as license to express contempt where previously "subjection" was called for.
How J.F.Rutherford, President of the Society, got away with his false prophecy about 1925 is a VERY PUZZLING question!
J.F.R.'s sermons, books, tracts and such wrapped MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE into a bundle ending with 1925.
Why would those millions never die? Because 1925 was the beginning of the resurrection which is another way of saying the Millennium.
These statements--IF they were from the actual Living God--would not prove false.
IF they failed to come to pass---(which they surely did fail to do)--disqualifies Rutherford as an "anointed" faithful and discreet mouthpiece!
If we line up all the things which prove Rutherford an illegitimate and Evil Slave we have a Q.E.D.
1.He wrested complete control of the Society into his own hands so that he could dominate the theology of the "Truth."
2.He predicted definite outcomes based on definite dates which did not come to pass.
3.He broke Federal law and landed the Directors in prison and brought the Society into disrepute, thus, blaspheming Jehovah as well.
4.He urged German Earnest Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses to ignore Nazi laws which resulted in extraordinary persecution.
5.He urged all other JW's to flout any laws of the land which constrained them. In turn, he and Covington and Moyle would select among
the cases which ones to fight before the Supreme court. This agitation for law-breaking increased public hatred and persecution.
The Governing Body does does nothing but excuse his human rights violations, false prophecies and Bad Light later replaced.
In 1929 Rutherford published his wrong interpretation of Romans 13.1. After his death, in 1962, it was changed back again--WITHOUT ANY EXPLANATION GIVEN!!
The Governing Body loved the idea of using the phony" MILLIONS NOW LIVING" countdown aspect, they tore it away from the original context (bound to 1925) and used it to pump up expectation for a REPEAT of 1925 fifty years later for 1975's fiasco.
The Society was WRONG TWICE with the same lie.
These things should be enough for any sane person to recognize the illegitimacy of Jehovah's Witnesses as a valid religious denomination--much less the only TRUE religion.