The Watchtower Society Tells Us To Not Look At Older Publications

by God_Delusion 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • God_Delusion

    They have said this, right? Unless I was having one of my pipe dreams, the Borg has said that we should only research new publications and articles published by them.

    If there's a reference in a Watchtower/Awake! article to the tune of this, please can someone post it as well as the reference source?


  • designs

    Jaymes- Why would the Wt. have any problems with people learning that they taught the earth was only 48,000 years old

  • Jeffro

    JW literature does speak favourably of using "older publications", particularly in regard to getting rid of them in 'field service'. There are also occasional statements suggesting that reading such "older publications" is beneficial, sometimes with a 'reminder' that information may since have been 'updated'.

    They have never specifically said to not read older publications, however, much of the older literature is hard to come by anyway. JW literature speaks unfavourably about those who attempt to make older literature available that is otherwise now out of print.

  • designs

    The greatest Wt. Theologian Fred Franz who mislead us all with 1975 is now just 'Old Light'

  • carla

    If that is the case can they tell us what the expiration date is on all their material?

  • designs

    carla- The Wt. Expiration Date is the moment someone challenges the current information

  • somebody

    I don't think the WTS INC. has said not to read older publications. I think it's odd that it has ENCOURAGED JWs to read older publications but if anyone does read old publications and brings up old teachings from older publications in conversations with their fellow JWs, then they automatically get accused of reading "apostate material" and/ or accused of becoming an apostate. It's happened over and over again to many JWs who brought up old teachings of the WBTS INC. that they've read in older publications. Go figure.



  • ShirleyW

    Well, just to mention one publication of theirs, The Paradise Book, although it's about 50 or more years old, today they wouldn't want anybody to start studies with it like they did when it first came out.

    That tells you something right there, how the "only true religion" doesn't want folks to read old publications, why not? So many lies and fairy tales in them they can't keep up?

    I distrinctly remember in one of the Awake bound volumes from 1961 or 1962 a poster here a long time ago pointed out the exact page where it said it was ok for Dubs to vote, showed it to my mother who really cou ldn't come up with a good answer.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I can't think of a direct, clear statement to that effect. It's more a case of pubs being out of print and excluded from CD-ROM.

    When the DVD's about Russell and Rutherford came out, I made it a point to discuss some of their crazy teachings of the time.

  • Finkelstein

    Since most of the old WTS. publications are available on the inter-net and else where now, it would be of some importance to make

    that very suggestion. Being that there's an overwhelming amount of bullshit in those old publications, the reasons should be obvious.

    Of course the proclaiming insinuation that god has been slowly pouring out his spiritual wisdom upon the organization, is the viable reason

    there's so much bullshit contained in those pieces of literature.

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