A scary contrast I've been seeing in the bible
by EndofMysteries 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm not going to detail all of it, but I just noticed these two scriptures today and take it to a much larger scale, is this coincidence or are these scriptures both speaking about the same event but one is claiming it's from God and the other from Satan?
Malachi 4:5-6 says before "the great day of Jehovah" he was sending Elijah the prophet. Now if this is close to literal, remember that Elijah the prophet called down fire from heaven.
Now in Revelation 13:11-13, this is also shortly before the great day of Jehovah, this wild beast appears as a lamb but speaks as a dragon, he performs great signs and calls fire down from heaven infront of mankind.
So if someone showed up calling fire down from heaven, those following old testament or believing Malachi will believe that person to be Elijah and to listen to him.
Those believing and following book of Revelation will believe him to be of Satan and not listen to him.
Anyway do you think both of those scriptures are related and referring to the same event?
Honestly, I believe the 'John' who wrote Revelation was familiar with the Hebrew scriptures. He was probably a Christian convert Jewish mystic who re-imagined the restoration prophecies of the Israelite nation to translate them into the second coming of Christ prophecies. It's not surprising there is lots of shared imagery.
It's just a shame that 2,000 years later people still take them seriously as indicators of the future.
Sapphy - like the above example, quite a few of the similar parts though, if they are related, seem to be on opposing sides. One part saying it's God, another part the bad guy. Wondering if any have seen or noticed these contrasts.
There is very little imagery in Revelation that isn't borrowed from the OT.
Might be. Whatever people choose to believe, shows what THEY are.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
EoM, The Bible is full of contradictions. One example I use is the Bible saying the earth will endure forever, and the meek inherit the earth, but the Bible also says the earth will be burnt up. Although JWs claim the burning is only figurative, 2 Pet 3 compares it literally with the flood, so it would have to literally be engulfed in fire.
Since predictions like this are contradictory, this is where "prophets" like WT corporation come along to sell their "Bible message that you couldn't understand without THEM" and exploit the confusion for fun and profit!
King Solomon
Billy said:
Since predictions like this are contradictory, this is where "prophets" like WT corporation come along to sell their "Bible message that you couldn't understand without THEM" and exploit the confusion for fun and profit!
Even concepts that SHOULD be self-evident suddenly become very hard to comprehend, mysterious, and incredibly more complex simply because the concepts ARE twisted to mean something they don't mean at all, and you're expected to swallow it. The reason it doesn't add up is NOT because the concept is hard to understand, but the INTERPRETATION doesn't add up.
eg take 'free will': 'free' implies 'no cost or penalty', and 'will' means 'desire'. A 'free will' choice is one made without any penalty, whichever way you decide. No one is trying to unduly influence the choice between the alternatives.
It's hard to believe anyone could screw that basic concept up to the point where they could repeat the old chest-nut, "God didn't want to make men as robots, but He wanted them to have free will to love him and obey him". Wha'? Anyone with a single neuron in their head knows that God actually told Adam, "do (or don't do) this, or you will die!" That's NOT an exercise of free will; that's a threat of punishment.
The material universe has an expiry date, energy doesn‘t.
In my opinion, the Bible is not a literal book, but it is not a book like any other.
Some people can not get anything out of it, though.
King Solomon
Apostate Thunder said:
The material universe has an expiry date, energy doesn‘t.
So not a big fan of energy/matter equivalence then? ;)