She probably thinks life in the WTS is a spiritual paradise too...
One sister called me nuts just because I left the "truth"
by Iamallcool 26 Replies latest jw friends
still thinking
Will you be dating her after this marriage fails?
still thinking, hell no. she is not attractive to me.
still thinking
LOL...why not? Does she live in a trailer?
the big belly incident happened in the year of 2006
the sister called me nuts happened yesterday at Grocery Store.
still thinking, her Dad JW is a really big time asshole. I have never see him smile. NEVER! I think he is still the PO/COBE. I would not want him as my father in law. I think her Dad trained her 6 children(all grown up) to be assholes as well. One left the borg, he is a really good guy, there is another sister, I have not talked to her for awhile, she seems to be more respectful than her other 5 siblings.
still thinking, she does not live in a trailer as far as I know. she lived in a duplex. Since she got married few months ago, I am not sure where she lives now.
still thinking
so, you gonna track down the nice sister and police check her?...
I wouldn't....that one proabably lives in a trailer.
I know that she was df'd once. I think she got df'd twice, but I cannot be sure, I ain't interested in her theocratic background.
She is on the fence alot.