Yes when I was a witness it cost me several good jobs and prevented me from getting several good jobs.
How many of you had trouble getting or keeping jobs because of JW schedule?
by puffthedragon 14 Replies latest jw friends
When I was a witness I knew a "study" who'd been associating with th congo for several months. He'd been out of work, and was thrilled when he landed a job at the local tobaccco processing plant.
He was forced to either quit the job, or be labelled a bad association.
Poor guy ended up with a part time minimun wage job.... but oh wasn't Jehovah so happy with him! (Ack!)
Aussie Oz
I almost didnt get the best job of my life because i was JW.
I had been reg pioneering for 3 years or something and had recently stopped as we had a newborn, it was time to get into the real world again...full time work. At the job agency i rang the company about the position and when he asked me why I had a 'gap' in my resume i replied I had been a full time preacher for the Jehovah's witnesses...and back came the response..."in that case mate, not interested in giving you a job. We have one of you here already and he's a pain in tha arse, ones enough."!!
I tell you, I had to sell myself! Got an interview and a second one with the boses wife who was adamant that I not get the job.
I got the job, the JW there WAS a pain in the arse and deserved all the 'persecution and ridicule' he got. He lasted 3 months more.
18 years later, that boss and his wife are my best friends, i would give the guy a kidney if he needed it. There is NOTHING in my life today that I do not owe in part to him and his family.
MC RubberMallet
in that case mate, not interested in giving you a job. We have one of you here already and he's a pain in tha arse, ones enough."!!
Yes! When I put Bethel on my resume, it allows people to discriminate without me knowing. The one job I finally got, the interviewer told me he had experiences, and I would be expected to work and respect people's privacy. I assured him that was no problem, but asked him why was it brought up. And every witness that worked for him were preachy, always taking off for programs, and anytime anyone was sad, they would be flooded with magazines/tracts. So he and his boss weren't big fans. I was still in, but I wanted to give dubs a good name, so I acted like a normal human. And the boss still tells me to this day to use him as a reference, which I have...
BTW. He was a born again.
Not me. I saw that it was futility to imagine you were going to hang on to a decent job and do the whole JW rigamarole. Something had to suffer. You just could not do it all. I looked around the hall at all the comfortable retirees and housewives who never worked and realized I was in a unique category as a woman. I had to support myself. So, I paid no attention to these morons who didn't know what they were talking about.
I paid no attention when they told me I should quit my decent job and do housecleaning. Imagine? (Once, I cleaned a house with a sister and it took so long that I knew I could never make a living doing that. Not to mention all the bad backs and bad knees of many who do housecleaning.) I also saw that the poverty being pushed wasn't for these people, just some other sucker.
The religion is in unreality and have not the slightest idea of what it takes to live in the world and put a roof over one's head or put food on the table. Meanwhile, they are living on contributions of people who WORK for a living!!! I am sure that once people get wise to the religion's attitude, they stop contributing.
I know what you mean and I absolutely cannot stand JWs on a job. Even when I was an active JW, I never did what you observed but it happens all too often.
If I am ever faced with a JW in the workplace and they overstep their boundaries, I am going to tell them to "check out the name on the front door and see that it is NOT the kingdom hall. They are on somebody else's premises. They are on their own and I trust they have education and skills. They are not to play the religious "card" and I don't want to hear any JW garbage. I am not interested."