As requested, I've made a new thread with the info I posted on a previous thread. This is intended for young JWs who have woken up from their anesthesia but still cannot move, or in other words, have learned TTATT but are still living with parents and are afraid of getting kicked out if they make their opinions/findings known. I am included in this group of people, because I myself still live at home with parents. I have edited the info by adding new information.
It's best to deal with your exit in phases. Taking immediate action may result in homelessness, or just a really difficult situation, especially if you're in college or haven't started college yet. Note that phases 3, 4, and 5 may overlap, or may be done out of order.
Phase 1: Realize that "the truth" isn't really the truth. This is the period of shock, where you see that everything you've been taught is a lie. Reading up on helps a lot with getting your facts straight.
Phase 2: Start making plans to get out of the JW world. It's very likely that no matter how you approach your parents with your discoveries, nothing will work, except getting yourself kicked out. To keep yourself from getting kicked out, wait until you have a reliable source of income, and you willingly want to move out.
Phase 3: Make some quality friends outside of the JW world. In the event that you were to be kicked out, you'll need a good friend to fall back on temporarily. Even if you aren't kicked out, you'll need some people to socialize with, to fill the newly created void.
Phase 4: Start living the life you actually want to live, even if it's only partially. Once you learn TTATT, there are certain things that you couldn't do before out of fear and guilt that you'll now be able to do. Some things will have to wait until you move out, but not others.
Phase 5: Stop making friends inside the JW world, and distance yourself from current friends. This may be a bit difficult, especially if there are already some close relationships established. Be careful not to spill the beans with such people, because they will try to get it out of you (and then subsequently rat you out).
Phase 6: Keep other JWs' expectations of you low. If you aren't a high-profile brother or sister, keep it that way. It will be much easier to reduce your hours in field service, and perhaps miss a meeting or two here and there. If you are currently a high-profile brother or sister (regular pioneer, regular auxilary pioneer, MS, elder, committee member, etc.), it may be a little more difficult. Start by backing out of these roles one by one, citing personal issues, school, work, or whatever you can say that won't raise any suspicions about you. Another thing that can help is to make comments that are borderline controversial - things like how we should focus more on the bible and not on the publications, how going to college is beneficial, or what the WT views are on some things that aren't well known, like how voting isn't forbidden, but merely a conscience matter (1 November 1999, page 28-29, questions from readers). While what you are saying is right, the congregation heavies (and hence the WT) doesn't like people thinking for themselves, encouraging people to test their beliefs, getting educated, etc. They'll probably remove you from any roles for saying these things.
Phase 7: Wait. The first few phases will happen rather quickly, but this is where you'll be crying out in agony on the inside, since it's the longest phase of them all. Most young JWs are stuck at this phase. The hyprocrisy, the lies, the JW-speak at social gatherings, the field service - it will all kill you inside. But you have to endure it if you want this "operation" to go as smoothly as possible.
Phase 8: Move out. The time has come - you're an adult, graduated from college (ideally), with a decent job, and ready to have your own place. You will no longer be under your parents' control, but your own. You can come and go as you please, buy anything you want, wear anything you want, and do anything you want.
Phase 9: Exit. How you want to exit is up to you. Just remember - no matter how you do it, you will be shunned. Leaving with your whole family is ideal, but it will most likely not happen. But if you have a decent social network outside of the JW world, it shouldn't bother you (much). You can either slowly exit, or just leave in one shot. Considering that you've spent so much time making your exit, leaving in one shot is the best option.