Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-12-2012 WT Study (SHORTLY)

by blondie 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-12-2012 WT Study (JUNE 15, 2012, pages 14-18)(SHORTLY TAKE PLACE)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    w = Watchtower

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    jv = Proclaimers book


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    United Nations

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    “A revelation by Jesus

    Christ, which God

    gave him, to show his

    slaves the things

    that must shortly take

    place.”—REV. 1:1.


    Which parts of the immense

    image symbolize the Anglo-

    American World Power?

    How does John depict the

    relationship between the Anglo-

    American World Power and

    the United Nations?

    How do Daniel and John portray

    the end of human rulership?


    Not understood “ten” toes, not understood 2 arms; yet the WTS depicts the image with 2 arms, one head, 2 legs, 2 feet, ten toes. How many toes shown on page 12 of this issue?

    Shortly take place = Revelation not Daniel but even that was written 1900 years ago…Did John mean the 2 nd century perhaps?

    Paragraph 11

    Consider: In

    other visions, Daniel mentions specific

    numbers—for example, the number of

    horns on the heads of various beasts.

    Those numbers are significant. However,

    when describing the image, Daniel

    does not mention the number of toes.

    Therefore, the number seems no more

    significant than the fact that the image

    had multiple arms, hands, fingers,

    legs, and feet.


    *** w59 5/15 p.313 ar.36”***

    As the iron section of the symbolic image started off with the Roman Empire and led on to the Anglo-American dual world power, the firmness and strength of the iron would represent the hardness and toughness of their world control and rule. But what of the ten toes in which the symbolic image terminated? This feature showed that at the time of the end of this symbolic image the remnant of the Roman or sixth world power would vie with the Anglo-American or seventh world power and that there would be other independent political governments associated with those competing powers. The number ten being a Biblical number symbolizing earthly completeness, the ten toes picture all such coexisting powers and governments.

    *** w59 5/15 p.314par.41”***

    This birth of the Kingdom occurred “in the days of those kings,” not merely the kings pictured by the ten toes but also those pictured by the iron, bronze (copper), silver and gold parts of the image.

    *** w61 6/15 pp.358-359***

    What about the final part of the image, the feet and ten toes of iron and clay? In the Bible the number ten is used to indicate earthly completeness. Thus the ten toes picture all the coexisting political powers and governments during the time of the end of this symbolic image.

    *** w69 5/15 p.304 par.8***

    These picture all the coexisting powers and governments on earth today, since the number ten is a Biblical number symbolizing earthly completeness What possible significance could the ten toes have?. So the dream image relates to our day indeed! We should keep in mind that this image did not become static with the appearance of the final world power. The image had to keep on developing in order to include the weakening influence of the socialistic, democratic elements against the imperial, dictatorial powers of this world. Ever since 1914 the weakening influence of democracy and socialism has gone forward particularly against that part of the iron feet of the image represented by “the king of the north.” The ten toes of the image picture all the nations, not merely those that have thus far gained admission to the U.N. At this stage comes the dramatic climax of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The prophet Daniel continues his interpretation; his words have vital meaning for our day:

    *** p.305 par.11 *

    This birth of God’s kingdom occurred “in the days of those kings.” That means not merely the kings pictured by the ten toes but also those pictured by the iron, copper, silver and gold parts of the image, since basic remnants of those previous world powers were still in existence in 1914 C.E. So the symbolic image seen in the dream was complete in 1914. Of course, many new nations have come into existence since then, but at that date they were part of the then division of the nations of the world. The ten toes picture all the nations. And so the stone’s hitting and smashing the image pictures nothing less than the destruction of all the kingdoms of the world today by God’s kingdom!

    *** w78 6/15 .13***

    Tracing the development of the world powers through the image, from head to foot in the stream of time, we see that it begins with Babylon, and progressively goes through Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. The “fourth kingdom,” represented in the legs and feet, began with the Roman Empire. As time progressed, the power of this empire waned and the British Empire ascended, it being really an outgrowth from the old Roman Empire. This was so even though there was a vying with certain remnants of the Roman Empire for the position of world power. (Dan. 7:19, 20) There does not appear to be any prophetic significance to the image’s having ten toes. This is a natural human feature, just as the image has two arms, two legs, and so forth.

    *** w85 7/1 p.31 Questions From Readers***

    ? What is symbolized by “the feet and the toes” of the “immense image” described at Daniel 2:31-45?

    This prophecy was inspired by the One “who is a Revealer of secrets,” the Sovereign Lord Jehovah God himself, and reaches its culmination in “the final part of the days,” when the issue of world domination is to be settled once and for all time. (Daniel 2:28) Up until our day, from the start of “the times of the Gentiles” in 607 B.C.E., there has been a succession of world powers, commencing with imperial Babylon and proceeding with Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the Anglo-American empire. These are represented by the metallic parts of the image.—Luke 21:24, King James Version.

    However, with the ending of the Gentile Times in 1914, a conglomeration of different kinds of man-rule has appeared here on the earth. (Matthew 24:3-12) The common man (“the offspring of mankind” made from the dust of the ground) wields greater influence in affairs of government. Socialistic and democratic rulerships have come to the fore, along with other ironlike oppressive forms of government. They are like the “iron mixed with moist clay” that make up the feet and toes of the image.

    Various views have been expressed about the ten “toes.” But since “ten” is often used in the Bible to signify completeness as to things on earth, the ten “toes” appear logically to represent the entire global system of rulership at the culmination of the days. It is against the feet and toes of the image that ‘God’s Kingdom comes,’ grinding to powder the final manifestations of man-rule. How happy we can be that the peaceful, prosperous rule of Christ’s Kingdom will then fill the entire earth!—Matthew 6:9, 10; compare Isaiah 11:1, 9.

    The further dream of Nebuchadnezzar described in Daniel chapter 4 points also to events following the end of the Gentile Times. At last people must come to “know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it,” that is, to the King, Jesus Christ.—Daniel 4:25; 7:13, 14.


    See “Your Will Be Done on Earth,” published in 1958 by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., pages 108-27, for a more detailed discussion of the “immense image.”

    *** it-1p.1187 (1988) Image***

    The mixture of iron and clay in the toes of the great image graphically illustrates the condition due to be manifest in the final expression of political world domination. Clay is elsewhere used metaphorically in the Scriptures to stand for fleshly men, made of the dust of the earth. (Job 10:9; Isa 29:16; Ro 9:20, 21) Daniel’s interpretation thus appears to equate the clay with “the offspring of mankind,” the mixing in of which produces fragility in that which is symbolized by the image’s ten toes. This points to a weakening and a lack of cohesion in the ironlike strength of the final form of world domination by earthly kingdoms. (Da 2:41-43) The common man would wield greater influence in affairs of government. “Ten” being used consistently in the Bible to express completeness (see NUMBER, NUMERAL), the ten toes apparently represent the entire global system of rulership at the time when God’s Kingdom is established and takes action against the worldly powers.—Compare Re 17:12-14.

    *** g90 11/22p.18***

    Appropriately, the number “ten ” as used in the Bible signifies completeness as to earthly things. So political human rule in its entirety, unitedly opposed to divine sovereignty during the time of the end, is what the ‘ten toes’ of the image would logically represent.

    *** 1999 Daniel Prophecy dp chap. 4 p. 59 par. 27 ***

    At the dawn of the 20th century, the British Empire ruled over every fourth person on earth. Other European empires controlled millions more. But World War I resulted in the emergence of groups of nations in place of empires. After World War II, this trend accelerated. As nationalism developed further, the number of nations in the world grew dramatically. The ten toes of the image represent all such coexisting powers and governments, for in the Bible the number ten at times signifies earthly completeness.—Compare Exodus 34:28; Matthew 25:1; Revelation 2:10.

    *** 1999 Daniel Prophecy dp chap. 4 p. 61 par. 34 ***

    The birth of the Kingdom took place “in the days of those kings.” (Daniel 2:44) These were not only the kings pictured by the ten toes of the image but also those symbolized by its iron, copper, silver, and gold parts. Although the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, and Roman empires had passed away as world powers, their remnants still existed in 1914. The Turkish Ottoman Empire then occupied the territory of Babylonia, and national governments were functioning in Persia (Iran) and Greece and Rome, Italy.


    1, 2. (a) The prophecies of Daniel and John allow us to do

    what? (b) What do the first six heads of the wild beast represent?

    THE prophecies of Daniel and John correspond

    in ways that allow us to understand the meaning

    of many present and future world events.

    What can we learn by comparing John’s vision of the

    wild beast, Daniel’s account of the fearsome beast

    that had ten horns, and Daniel’s interpretation of

    the immense image? And what should a clear understanding

    of those prophecies move us to do?


    The WTS makes the assertion that Daniel and John correspond…have other people before the WTS made that assertion? Were they led by God, was the WTS led by God or copying these people?

    Has the WTS ever claimed to have a clear understanding about prophecy that has not had to be adjusted? Is that clear then?

    2 Let us address John’s vision of the wild beast.

    (Rev., chap. 13) As we saw in the preceding article,

    the first six heads of the beast represent Egypt,

    Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.

    All of those expressed hatred for the seed of the

    woman. (Gen. 3:15) Rome, the sixth head, remained

    a dominant political force for centuries after John

    wrote down his vision. Eventually, the seventh head

    would take the place of Rome. Which political world

    power did that prove to be, and how would it treat

    the seed of the woman?


    Seed of the woman – do they mean Jesus or anointed jws?


    3. What does the frightening ten-horned beast represent,

    and what do the ten horns picture?

    3 We can identify the seventh head of the wild

    beast of Revelation chapter 13 by comparing John’s

    vision with Daniel’s vision of the frightening ten horned

    beast.* (Read Daniel 7:7, 8, 23, 24.) The beast

    that Daniel saw represented the Roman World Power.

    (See the chart on pages 12-13.) In the fifth century

    C.E., the Roman Empire began to fragment. The

    ten horns sprouting from the head of

    that fearsome beast represent kingdoms

    that grew out of that empire.

    *In the Bible, the number ten often symbolizes a complete group

    —in this case, all the kingdoms that grew from the Roman Empire.


    We can identify = really only a subset of anointed jws but not as individuals

    *** w752/15p.108***

    Nor does such anointing of itself bring exceptional understanding of God’s Word , as can be seen by the way the apostle Paul found it necessary to write certain anointed Christians in his day. (1 Cor. 3:1-3; Heb. 5:11-14)

    4, 5. (a) What did the small horn do? (b) What

    is the identity of the seventh head of the wild


    4 Four of the horns, or kingdoms, that

    sprouted from the head of the ferocious

    beast receive special mention. Three are

    plucked out by another horn, “a small

    one.” This was fulfilled when Britain, a

    former outpost of the Roman Empire,

    grew to prominence. Until the 17th century,

    Britain was a relatively insignificant

    power. Three other regions of the

    old Roman Empire—Spain, the Netherlands,

    and France—were far more influential.

    Britain plucked those powers

    out one by one, removing them from

    their positions of prestige. By the mid-

    18th century, Britain was on its way

    to become the dominant power on the

    world scene. But it had not yet become

    the seventh head of the wild beast.


    Proof???? Only assertions….where are the scriptures? How could a jw scripturally prove this to a non-jw?

    Is this what CT Russell thought? Or Rutherford?

    Studies in the Scriptures Volume 3 - "Thy Kingdom Come"

    The Prophet had said that three horns would be plucked up, or rooted out, to make room or prepare the way for this peculiar power or "horn." And so we find it: Constantine built Constantinople, and removed his capital thither; this, though favorable to Papacy's development in the seat of the Caesars , was unfavorable to the empire; and soon it was found expedient to divide the empire, and Italy was thenceforth


    known as the Western Empire, whose seat or capital was at Ravenna. This was one of the "horns": it fell, A.D. 476, at the hands of the Heruli, another of the horns, which established itself on its ruins. Next came the Ostrogothic kingdom, another "horn," overthrowing the Heruli and establishing itself as ruler of Italy, A.D. 489. And, as we have just seen, it was during the power of this "horn" (the third to be rooted out to make way for the papal horn) that Justinian acknowledged the papal supremacy; and it was by his orders, and by his general and his army, that it was plucked up. And, as we have seen, its plucking up was necessary to the advancement of Papacy to power, as a peculiar blending of political and religious power--a peculiar "horn," differing from its fellows. Indeed, it seems not improbable that the Papacy was secretly favorable to the fall of each of these "horns" or powers, hoping thus to open the way to its own exaltation, just as it finally resulted.

    With the overthrow of the Ostrogoths, the Roman emperor was recognized for some time as the ruler of Italy, and was represented by Exarchs; but since these had their capital at Ravenna, and not at Rome, and since they had come to recognize the Papacy in the manner shown, it follows that from A.D. 539 Papacy was recognized as the chief authority in the city of Rome; and that from that date (when it was "set up") it began to grow and thrive as a "horn" or power among the other "horns" or powers, representing the formerly united power of Rome. The fact of the greatly disturbed condition of Italy, and especially of Rome, about this period, subject to the pillage of invaders from the North, as well as to heavy taxes by whichever master was nearest at the time, helped to break up political loyalty to the imperial power at Constantinople; so that the church-rulers, always with them, speaking the same language, and sharing their advantages and losses, were readily accepted

    5 Though Britain gained dominance,

    colonies in North America broke away.

    Even so, the United States was allowed

    to grow mighty, protected by British naval

    power. By the time the Lord’s day began

    in 1914, Britain had built the largest

    empire in history and the United States

    had become the greatest industrial power

    on earth.* During World War I, the

    United States forged a special partnership

    with Britain. The seventh head of

    the beast had now emerged as the

    Anglo-American World Power. How did

    this head treat the seed of the woman?

    *Although the components of the dual world

    power have existed since the 18th century, John describes

    it as it would appear at the start of the Lord’s

    day. In fact, the fulfillment of the visions recorded in

    Revelation takes place during “the Lord’s day.” (Rev.

    1:10) It was not until World War I that the seventh

    head began operating as a united world power.


    While the WTS makes a simple history summation, where is the connection with the scriptures, what scriptures?

    6. How has the seventh head treated God’s


    6 Shortly after the start of the Lord’s

    day, the seventh head launched an attack

    on God’s people—the remaining

    ones of Christ’s brothers on earth. (Matt.

    25:40) Jesus indicated that during his

    presence, a remnant of the seed would

    be active on earth. (Matt. 24:45-47; Gal.

    3:26-29) The Anglo-American World

    Power waged war with those holy ones.

    (Rev. 13:3, 7) During World War I, it oppressed

    God’s people, banned some of

    their publications, and threw representatives

    of the faithful slave class into

    prison. The seventh head of the wild

    beast as much as killed the preaching

    work for a period of time. Jehovah foresaw

    this dramatic event and revealed it

    to John. God also told John that the secondary

    part of the seed would be revived

    to increased spiritual activity. (Rev. 11:3,

    7-11) The history of Jehovah’s modern-day

    servants confirms that those events

    took place.


    I wonder how the WTS will or even will make the connection with these events they assert and make the connection to the WTS, “Christ’s brothers on earth,” “holy ones,” “faithful slave class,” etc. Where does it say the members of the WTS are these groups?

    Oppressed = who and how



    7. What is the relationship between the seventh

    head of the wild beast and the immense


    7 What is the relationship between

    the seventh head of the wild beast

    and the immense image? Britain—and

    by extension, the United States—grew

    out of the Roman Empire. What,

    though, about the feet of the image?

    They are described as an amalgam of

    iron and clay. (Read Daniel 2:41-43.)

    This description coincides with the

    time when the seventh head—the Anglo-

    American World Power—would come to

    prominence. Just as an iron structure

    mixed with clay is weaker than solid

    iron, so too the Anglo-American World

    Power is weaker than the power from

    which it emerged. How?


    More assertions but no connection to the scriptures? Have other groups made different assertions? How could Russell make assertions when the WTS said the UK and US did not become the “Anglo-American” power in his time?

    By making such weak assertions the WTS leaves itself open for “adjustments” and “clarifications.”

    8, 9. (a) How did the seventh world power

    manifest ironlike strength? (b) What does the

    clay in the feet of the image represent?

    8 At times, the seventh head of the

    beast has displayed ironlike characteristics.

    For example, it proved its power

    by winning World War I. During World

    War II, the ironlike power of the seventh

    head was also evident.* After that war,

    the seventh head at times still displayed

    ironlike characteristics. However, from

    early on, that iron has been mixed with


    *Daniel foresaw the terrible destruction this king

    would cause during that war, writing: “In a wonderful

    [awful] way he will cause ruin.” (Dan. 8:24) For

    example, the United States caused terrible ruin on

    an unprecedented scale when it dropped two atomic

    devices on an enemy of the dual world power.


    Were you convinced by the WTS assertions when you were a jw or if you are still a jw? I always tuned it out and remember that Jesus said his followers would be identified by the love they showed, not prophecy explanations.

    9 Jehovah’s servants have long sought

    to understand the symbolic meaning of

    the feet of the image. Daniel 2:41 describes

    the mixture of iron and clay

    as one “kingdom,” not many. The clay,

    therefore, represents elements within

    the sphere of influence of the Anglo-

    American World Power, elements that

    make it weaker than the solid iron of the

    Roman Empire. The clay is referred to as

    “the offspring of mankind,” or the common

    people. (Dan. 2:43) In the Anglo-

    American World Power, people have risen

    up to claim their rights through civil

    rights campaigns, labor unions, and

    independence movements. The common

    people undermine the ability of

    the Anglo-American World Power to

    act with ironlike strength. Also, opposing

    ideologies and close election results

    that do not end up in a clear majority

    have weakened the power base of even

    popular leaders, so that they have no

    clear mandate to implement their policies.

    Daniel foretold: “The kingdom will

    partly prove to be strong and will partly

    prove to be fragile.”—Dan. 2:42; 2 Tim. 3:



    But the WTS has all along made strong assertions who they the feet are (see opening comments). You can see that the WTS feels that an organization that has complete control over their members is a good one, not even the bible is the foundation but their interpretation of it, even when wrong.

    10, 11. (a) What is the future of “the feet”?

    (b)What can we conclude about the number of


    10 In the 21st century, Britain and the

    United States have continued their special

    partnership, often acting together

    in world affairs. The prophecies about

    the immense image and the wild beast

    confirm that the Anglo-American World

    Power will not be replaced by some future

    world power. This last world power

    may be weaker than that represented by

    the legs of iron, but it will not disintegrate

    on its own.



    Can you imagine non-jw being convinced

    The WESAYO Corporation strikes again.

    11 Does the number of toes of the image

    have special meaning? Consider: In

    other visions, Daniel mentions specific

    numbers—for example, the number of

    horns on the heads of various beasts.

    Those numbers are significant. However,

    when describing the image, Daniel

    does not mention the number of toes.

    Therefore, the number seems no more

    significant than the fact that the image

    had multiple arms, hands, fingers,

    legs, and feet. Daniel does specifically

    mention that the toes would be made of

    iron and clay. From his description, we

    can conclude that the Anglo-American

    World Power is the one that will be dominating

    when the “stone” representing

    God’s Kingdom hits the feet of the image.—

    Dan. 2:45.


    See Opening Comments

    If the Anglo-American WP is dominating what about the King of the North?



    12, 13. The two-horned wild beast represents

    what, and what does it do?

    12 Though the Anglo-American

    World Power is a mixture of iron and

    clay, the visions that Jesus gave to John

    show that this power would continue

    to play a key role during the last days.

    How so? John saw a vision of a two horned wild

    beast that spoke like a dragon.

    What does this strange beast represent?

    It has two horns, so it is a dual

    power. John is again seeing the Anglo-

    American World Power but in a special

    role.—Read Revelation 13:11-15.


    So while the WTS has this scripture designated to be read, is there anything that proves the WTS assertion? 2 horns but not ten toes?

    13 This wild beast promotes the making

    of an image of the wild beast. John

    wrote that the image of the beast would

    appear, disappear, and then rise again.

    That is exactly what happened to an organization

    promoted by Britain and the

    United States, one that was intended to

    unite and represent the world’s kingdoms.

    *This organization appeared after

    World War I and was known as the

    League of Nations. It disappeared with

    the onset of World War II. During that

    war, God’s people declared that according

    to the prophecy in Revelation, the

    image of the wild beast would ascend

    again. And rise it did—as the United Nations.—

    Rev. 17:8.

    *See Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand! pages

    240, 241, 253.


    The UN makes a dramatic return in WT doctrine and definition.

    “Image of the beast” organization promoted by UK and US.

    WW1 = League of Nations

    Rose again as the United Nations per WTS (1942 first organized not 1945)

    The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt was first used in the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers.

    14. In what sense is the image of the wild beast

    “an eighth king”?

    14 John described the image of the

    beast as “an eighth king.” In what sense?

    It is not depicted as an eighth head

    on the original wild beast. It is only an

    image of that beast. Any power it has

    comes from its member nations, especially

    from its key backer, the Anglo-

    American World Power. (Rev. 17:10, 11)

    But it does receive authority to act as

    a king to carry out a specific task, one

    that triggers a chain of events that will

    change history.


    More assertions and no proof.



    15, 16. The harlot symbolizes what, and what

    has happened to her support?

    15 According to John, upon a scarlet colored

    wild beast—the image of the

    wild beast—rides a symbolic harlot,

    dominating it. She bears the name “Babylon

    the Great.” (Rev. 17:1-6) This harlot

    fittingly stands for all false religion, foremost

    of which are the churches of Christendom.

    Religious organizations have

    given their blessing to the image of the

    beast and have tried to exert influence

    over it.


    Babylon the Great, the Papacy (Roman Catholic Church) per Russell

    All false religions = all religions but the WTS/jws, and the WTS considers “so-called” Christians the worst. The WTS lumps in all of them even the Amish.

    16 However, during the Lord’s day,

    Babylon the Great has seen the waters,

    the people who support her, dry

    up dramatically. (Rev. 16:12; 17:15) For

    example, when the image of the beast

    first appeared, the churches of Christendom—

    an influential part of Babylon the

    Great—dominated the Western world.

    Today, the churches and their ministers

    have lost the respect and support

    of the masses. In fact, many people believe

    that religion contributes to or causes

    conflict. An increasingly vocal and

    militant group of Western intellectuals

    is calling for the end of religion’s influence

    on society.


    Has the WTS said much about the “drying up” waters? Not since 1993. What about the Muslims increase, the Mormons, and other independent Christian religions?

    17. What will soon happen to false religion,

    and why?

    17 False religion, however, will not

    just fade away. The harlot will remain a

    potent force, attempting to bend kings

    to her will until God plants an idea

    in the hearts of those in power. (Read

    Revelation 17:16, 17.) Soon Jehovah will

    cause the political elements of Satan’s

    system, as represented by the United

    Nations, to attack false religion. They

    will destroy her influence and devastate

    her riches. Such an event may have

    seemed unlikely just decades ago. Today,

    the harlot teeters on the back of the

    scarlet-colored beast. Even so, she will

    not slip slowly from her seat. Her tumble

    will be sudden and violent.—Rev. 18:

    7, 8, 15-19.


    But the WTS, “false” religion will not fade away. Jws take note, that the so-called decrease is not a sign. BTG will still be strong per the WTS.

    Hasn’t the WTS ridden the scarlet-colored beast? Yes.

    Watchtower Still Has 2 NGOs!

    Paul Gillies (Watchtower) is a NGO himself and has registered for several governmental conferences such as the (OSCE Conference on Anti- Semitism and on Other Forms of Intolerance). Please click on the pdf link provided and look at the top on page 1 and bottom of page 3.

    The top of page 1 reads:

    List of NGOs registered for the OSCE Conference on Anti-Semitism and on Other Forms of Intolerance.

    and then we find:

    Look on page 3 for:

    The European Association of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses

    Gillies, Paul (Consejero)

    Gillet, Marcel (Consejero)

    Look on page 7 to see:

    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania (845-306-0711)
    ALLEN, Gregory local file

    Does the page below display a (neutral) stand as to government affairs? Does getting involved with the great harlot in this manner look like we are grasping straws or splitting hairs? I don't think so! Yet, this is exactly the organization that Paul Gillies and the European Association of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses, as well as Gregory Allen of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania have been involved with! --see below:


    18. (a) What will the wild beast do, and with

    what outcome? (b) Daniel 2:44 refers to God’s

    Kingdom as destroying which kingdoms? (See

    box on page 17.)


    The prophecy at Daniel 2:44

    states that God’s Kingdom “will

    crush and put an end to all these

    kingdoms.” That prophecy refers

    only to the kingdoms pictured by

    the various parts of the image.

    What about all other human

    governments? The parallel prophecy

    in Revelation reveals the larger

    picture. It shows that “the

    kings of the entire inhabited

    earth” will be gathered against

    Jehovah on “the great day of God

    the Almighty.” (Rev. 16:14; 19:19-

    21) Hence, not only the kingdoms

    of the image but also all other

    human governments will be destroyed

    at Armageddon.


    Has the WTS proved these are parallel?

    Not just governments but all non-jws, 7 billion men, women, and children will die forever.

    18 After false religion is destroyed, the

    wild beast, Satan’s earthly political setup,

    will be goaded into an attack on

    God’s Kingdom. Unable to reach into

    heaven, the kings of the earth will vent

    their rage on those on earth who support

    God’s Kingdom. The result is inevitable.

    (Rev. 16:13-16; 17:12-14) Daniel

    describes one aspect of the final battle.

    (Read Daniel 2:44.) The wild beast mentioned

    at Revelation 13:1, its image, and

    the two-horned wild beast will be destroyed.


    Proof, none; but many assertions.

    19. What confidence can we have, and it is

    now time to do what?

    19 We are living in the days of the seventh

    head. No more heads will appear

    on this beast before it is annihilated. The

    Anglo-American World Power will be

    the dominant world power when false

    religion is eradicated. The prophecies

    of Daniel and John have been fulfilled

    to the smallest detail. We can be confident

    that the destruction of false religion

    and the battle of Armageddon will

    soon come. God has revealed these details

    in advance. Will we pay attention

    to the prophetic warnings? (2 Pet. 1:19)

    Now is the time to take sides with Jehovah

    and to support his Kingdom.—Rev.

    14:6, 7.


    Are we living in the day of the seventh head. The WTS also said the end was coming in 1914, 1925, 1975, VERY SOON NOW….can jws “be confident ….will soon come”? As the WTS has said recently, to obey them even if they are wrong is obeying God.


    So when the WTS makes assertions that do not come true in the name of God, they aren’t false prophets?


    And in case you don’t know what that is from reading the Bible, the WTS will tell you because they speak for God.

    Love, Blondie

  • kurtbethel

    The Revelation starts out with the claim that it is telling of things that will soon come to pass, so whatever symbolism it uses would describe events in the first or second century. That has not stopped many groups and individuals from mapping the symbolism onto their current events over the last 19 centuries. A good account of this can be found in the book,

    A History of the End of the World: How the Most Controversial Book in the Bible Changed the Course of Western Civilization

    The Watchtower is a relative latecomer in this hobby of interpreting Revelation, and so far their eecord is as dismal as those who came before them. There is nothing special about their nonsensical scribblings on the topic, and it would be more productive to ignore them. Thanks, Blondie, for demonstrating this once again.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks Blondie!

    That article shows ignorance of world, as well as JW history. It's hard to know exactly where to begin. But...

    #1 - So, whatever happened to all their prophecies about the King of the North and the King of the South. WT had always prophecied that the King of the North (Germany, then USSR, then?) would be instrumental in a decisive victory over the King of the South (Anglo-American power), instrumental in destroying B the G, and starting the final attack on JWs. How could they suddenly ignore such an important prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled?

    #2 - " Just as an iron structure mixed with clay is weaker than solid iron, so too the Anglo-American World Power is weaker than the power from which it emerged." SERIOUSLY? Who makes this stuff up? Only WT could say with a straight face that Ancient Rome was more powerful than the modern combined power of the US and British Commonwealth. Gosh, who would win in a war between Ancient Rome vs. the NATO forces? A study of Roman history make it clear that they were hardly some superpower that would crush modern powers.

    #3 - "In the Anglo-American World Power, people have risen up to claim their rights through civil rights campaigns, labor unions, and independence movements. The common people undermine the ability of the Anglo-American World Power to act with ironlike strength. Also, opposing ideologies and close election results that do not end up in a clear majority have weakened the power base of even popular leaders, so that they have no clear mandate to implement their policies." Another... SERIOUSLY? It's been the civil rights movements, labor unions, independence movements, and elections that have made Britain and the US great! Giving more rights to minorities and women hasn't weakened the US, it's produced a greater pool of brains and talent. Labor unions helped improve working conditions and skills that helped during times of war and spread wealth during times of peace. The independence movement may have ended the British Empire, but the Commonwealth is still very, very strong. And as much a pain in the a$s as modern elections are, they are far better than the history of civil war and revolts that preceded the modern democratic process. Who would believe that all the political murders in Ancient Rome were a superior system to the current democratic process? Yeah, only Botchtower Craporation.

    #4 - Stop pretending that any of this is really prophecy. It's a pathetic attempt to shoehorn some obscure Bible mumbo-jumbo into recent historical events. The Bible sure didn't prophecy the discovery of the Americas or Australia. Didn't prophecy nuclear bombs, so why did WT even mention them. No prophecies about horseless chariots, or flying chariots dropping nuclear bombs from the sky. No prophecies about the modern development of electronic technology. Pfft. WT completely got it wrong about the USSR. They sure didn't see the end of that King of the North coming, as evidenced by the fact that they still don't know what to do about that prophetic blunder.

    Well, I think that's enough from me for now...

  • Balaamsass

    Thanks Blondie,

    Mom just called and I was able to dazzle her with BS, why yes I saw the study online today....... what did YOU think about the changes mom.....?

  • TheOutSpoken1

    This entire article is garbage! A few years ago the toes meant something, now they are completely insignificant! WTF type of holy, pure and just God commands his people to be taught something that is a total lie two to five years from now?! I just dont understand how they dont see that the WTBS is the main one sleeping with "harlot"...hek they have a key to her!..they blatently hold ties with the UN its all over the net! Are they that careless?


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Thank you blondie.

    After reading this article, there is only one way to describe the WTBTS.....

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Speaking of Flip Flops! Check this Flip Flop out!

    Just when was the Seventh World Power established as a World Power? Notice what the ‘Our Incoming World Government-God’s Kingdom’ book in 1977 claimed in chapt 3 paragraphs 49 & 50 :

    “49 However, the Sixth World Power was also to fall, for the angel said to the apostle John: “One is, the other has not yet arrived.” (Revelation 17:10) This signified that a seventh world power was yet to come, to correspond with the seventh head of the wild beast. In the apostle John’s day that ‘seventh head,’ or ‘seventh mountain,’ or ‘seventh king’ was a mystery. But centuries of world history since John’s day have unraveled the mystery. What, then, is the Seventh World Power of Bible prophecy? It came forth in the year 1763 C.E., in the form of the British Empire, the Britannia that ruled the seven seas.

    50 Twelve years later, in 1775, the thirteen American colonies broke away from the British Empire, to set up the American Republic, the United States of America. In the process of time the English-speaking American Republic found it advisable to work together with the English-speaking British Empire, both in peacetime and in wartime, a thing that was emphasized during World Wars I and II. In actuality, then, there has been a British-American Dual World Power. So, for many years now since the American Revolution of 1775-1783 this Anglo-American political combination has been the Seventh World Power. It acts like a two-horned beast.—Revelation 13:11. (1977 Our Incoming World Government-God’s Kingdom book Chapt 3 Par 49,50)”

    Now notice what ‘Questions From Readers’ (June 15, 2012 WT Study Edition page 19) says as to when the Seventh World Power was established: “From the perspective of Bible prophecy, then, the Seventh World Power did not become established in the late 1700’ when Britain first began its rise to prominence. Rather, it attained that position at the beginning of the Lord’s day (1914). “

    Seems like WT was off by over 130 years from its’ first guess (1914 minus 1783 = 131 years)!

  • AnonJW

    A big thanks from me as well. I set about studying this on Sunday morning and spent some time looking up previous articles. I was not one bit surprised that the “new light” shed on the toes had travelled from 1978.

    Sadly, the conversation that followed on the subject with my wife didn’t go well, and so the rest of the day went by without her talking to me. You see, she can’t stand to entertain the notion that everything is not perfect. She says that I need to study more; I said that my increase in study is what causes arguments!

    Anyway, I need to keep my mouth shut in future and not rock the boat!

  • Bobcat


    Speaking of Flip Flops! Check this Flip Flop out!

    That is so typical of the WT to rewrite history. "From the perspective of Bible prophecy" - Then how was it an accurate prophecy it does not correspond with what actually happened????

    1763 is the date of the Treaty of Paris - which is recognized as the date when Britian became the official (by treaty) dominant power of the Western, if not the whole, world - both economically and militarily. Napolean later made an effort to change that, but he did that as a recognized challenger, not as an equal contender.

    The next 50 years or so (1815 - the rise of Kiezer's(? spelling) Germany are basically recognized as a sort of 'Pax Brittania.'

    Even from the pespective of the prohecy in Daniel they are wrong. Even if the feet and toes (the iron and clay from Dan chap.2) picture the 7th world power - God sets His kingdom up "in the days of those kings." If God's Kingdom comes to power in 1914 and then the 7th world power comes into being, then, how could it be said that God 'sets up His Kingdom "in the days of those kings"?

    Also, I believe they used to say it was the 7th head of that beast that got the sword stroke in Rev chap.12 (The sword stroke being WWI.) Wouldn't the 7th head have to already be in power for it to receive that?

    I think there is a prophecy somewhere that fortells that the Bethel punch bowl was to be spiked.

  • Bobcat

    Billy the X

    SERIOUSLY? It's been the civil rights movements, labor unions, independence movements, and elections that have made Britain and the US great! Giving more rights to minorities and women hasn't weakened the US, it's produced a greater pool of brains and talent.

    Exactly. Even the USSR, with all its military might, just could not compete/keep up with with a democratic power.

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