John Lennon knew what he was talking about - closing ceremonies proves it- what do you think?

by dreamgolfer 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • dreamgolfer

  • botchtowersociety

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I wish I was there 1,000 times better spiratual awakening then any JW productioon.

    Hi Dreamgolfer!

    no skydiving yet had thunderstorms ;(

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Told the hubby who you were on JWN he was confused? but got it after I told him the fade/ life of JW ness

  • sizemik

    He's not the only one . . .

  • mrsjones5

    My kids and I are watching it right now....the Spice Girls just did their bit. We're enjoying it. My daughter loved the 1D part.

  • glenster

    The Beatles were my favorite group and I esp. followed John afterward, but I
    wouldn't bank too much on this. John could be bright, funny, tuneful, and a real
    dick. He "knew what he was talking about":

    When he sang "Gimme Some Truth" then stole a song from Zappa and claimed to
    see a UFO that couldn't be photographed, sang "God" and "Imagine " ("no reli-
    gion, too") then went to conservative faith healer Oral Roberts, made sure
    Cynthia didn't get an alimony commensurate to his income (though she raised the
    kid--he didn't) then sang "Mother" but only saw Julian once a year, sang "If you
    want money for people with minds that hate...." and gave money to organized
    crime for his drugs most of his adult life, wondered how Paul slept then went to
    work with Phil Spector (oo, that Jimmy Stewart is scary--lets work with Norman
    from "Psycho")....

    ("Jam Rag" in the UK isn't a reference to musicians improvising....)

    Take your pick--whatever you're wondering about, it might be in there
    somewhere. The opposite, too....

  • Nambo

    Not to cause offence, but I am somehow amazed that people who must have spent much of thier lives being indoctrinated in the belief of a coming Satanic / AntiChrist / Christian persecuting / Global government, should so quickly forget and reject that knowledge when its put before there eyes and coming to pass, and dont worry, just because the Bibles prophetic, doesnt mean the Watchtower is right.

    So, if you can see the above picture I posted, its a screenshot I think from when they where playing this song, you will see the Phoenix which is an occultic Masonic symbol of Satan, rising from the fire which represents the chaos and destruction these people will visit upon the Earth in order for thier god to look like the good guy when he ushers in his 42 months of Satanic rule.

    In the background you can see the seats coloured and arranged to show a row of inverted crosses.

    Above that you have the repeating symbol of the "New World Order" as found on the back of the dollar and mentioned in the Islamic Hadiths as being the mark of the dajin or anti-christ, the single eye in the pyramid, the eye of Horus or Satan, the eye of the god of this coming rulership of the Beast.

    And all the while John Lennon is singing about how wonderfull the world will be all united with no Christian God or religion.

    No wonder it was found to be a "Spiritual awakening" for that is exactly what it was intended to be :-Revelation 13 v 8 "And all that dwell on the Earth shall worship him".

    Not meaning to be rude to you guys though I expect to recieve such back, but from concern, you should know and be expecting to be decieved into worshipping a Global government manufactured and run by Satanists, I can understand you rejecting the notion along with rejection of the JWs and then even the Bible, but open your eyes, see it starting to come about, and wonder.

    I work in government, I have had it personally confirmed that a United global government is the goal, just as it states in Revelation, please dont be conned into submitting to it just because of a catchy song and a few pretty lights.

    You thought life in the JWs was bad, just wait to see what they have in store for you, read 1984 or something!

  • cantleave

    Nambo - I just love Satanists!!

    Sorry but WTF are you on about?

  • Caedes

    The crazy is strong in this one.


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