Rule #1: Give others the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe this person has made the outrageous generalization isn't really insensitive. Maybe this person has had a painful experience that made them overreact.
Rule #2: When disagreeing with someone, always take resonsibility for our own feelings.
Make a commitment to respond using "I" statements only. When we begin with "you" we come off as blaming and confrontational and immediately put teh other person on the defensive.
Rule #3 Use a cushion.
Connect or "cushion" a different opinion, starting with "I hear what you're saying . . . " Again, begin with the word "I" and not "You said . . . " or it will sound confrontational.
Rule #4 Eliminate the wroth "but" or "however"
Acknowledgement of the individual's point of view followed by a "but" or "however" erases that acknowledgement.
Rule #5 State our point of view or opinion with relevant and factual evidence. Keep our emotions out of the equation by usingt the following formula
a) Take time to reflect.
What do I think? Why do I think it? What evidence do I have?
b) Then speak
"One example is . . " "This shows that . . . " "Therefore I think"
(From Dale Carnegie Training)