Calling All Gun Enthusiasts: You Are Going To LOVE This!
by Low-Key Lysmith 47 Replies latest jw friends
You might want to take better rest the grouping is a bit scattered.
Low-Key Lysmith
I had the rare opportunity today to visit a friend who is a Gunnery Sgt with the Rangers 2nd Battalion at Fort Lewis. I did a whiskey tasting for some of the Rangers and they let me help them blow off about 10,000 rounds through a variety of full-auto machine guns & assault rifles. I had to wear a helmet and body armor, as per the regs.
Here is the suppressed M4-A2:
Here I am firing a "hate burst" with the M4=A2:
Here is the suppressed SCAR:
This is me firing the M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon):
This is the M240B Heavy machine gun:
And now, the Mk48. Very much like the SAW, but chambered in 7.62 NATO (.308 Winchester). A real powerhouse!
I've heard the M240 SAW is based on the design of the WWII German MG42. True?
Just curious.
Low-Key Lysmith
True! They mentioned that today at the briefing.
Low-Key Lysmith
This is the M110 sniper rifle, chambered in 7.62 NATO. A real tack driver. I'm no sniper and i was able to hit a silhouette beyond 500 meters.
Me posing with the SCAR. This rifle is so badass!
I've fired all these guns, but only on Call of Duty. I'm not likely to ever see them in the flesh in Australia.
LKL, that was awesome! I'm thinking about going to the indoor gun range today. They rent guns. I have several of my own, but they rent an assortment of fully auto rifles. For thirty bucks (I have to buy the ammo of course) I can see what it's like. They also have a semi auto AR15 with a Slidefire stock, which allows the AR15 to be bump fired and is like having a fully automatic rifle. I bet you had a lot of fun.
10,000 rounds? Did you have to pick up all that brass?
that's a quite exceptional level of amazingness