If women were in power, the quality and content of education for children as well as adults would enrich the mind, body and spirit of the individual student. Kindergarten would teach ethics, moral values , fairness, sharing and acceptance and subsequent grade levels would enhance these virtues, and many more.
Women were wired for multi-tasking. We can accomplish more, in less time and effectively run circles around men in general when it comes to organization, management, leadership, community , and home responsibilities.
Women are fair, we are no non-sense and we get the job done right.
Women nurture, not torture.
Women feed, not starve others.
This type of radical feminist propaganda is so cute -- if men imply women are inferior to men, they are a bunch of misogynist, women-hating tools of the patriarchy which want to suppress women; meanwhile, you can just state as a matter of fact men are basically inferior to women every way which count and men are the cause of all evil and that shouldnt be cause of concern at all.
Perhaps you can put your superior female intellectual skills to work and try to help me figure out which of the two of us are making the sexist generalizations, because my dumb testesterone-damaged brain sure has a problem figuring that one out.
There are many legit issues regarding womens rights which deserve attention, but you peddling this type of sexist bullshit is the best attempt i can think of to undermine those efforts.