Destruction by Jehovah, think about this,,,

by IamPresence2012 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • IamPresence2012

    There are now 7 billion people on this planet. There are `7' million JW not sure if number is accurate. So, Jehovah will kill 6 Billion 993 million souls. Then resurrect them for a second chance,, what a waste of energy. How will he kill the rest, Flood oh no after Noah's flood(Which is the Atlantis civilization) he said no more... Ok, according to watchttower pictures, they show buildings falling, fire inthe background,,, oh my,, so if I work in a tall building, say 8 thousand people work there, I am the only JW. how will I be saved when buildings are falling, where do I go, KH to look for other survivors? Why destroy buildings and land? Why waste all the resources? I would think it would be easier to just Kill everyone in their sleep. Forget the destruction. Can you see the faithfull slaves coming out to help clean out the earth after destruction? What a waste of time and energy.

    Will he kill babies,infants, unborn souls since they have not been preached to? How do you envision the end of the world? How can this loving God be so Brutal, what's the difference between what he plans to do and what the world/earthly goverments are doing? Can you imagine living on earth with just witnesses? everywhere you look around just JW. I guess there will be no preaching, if you have spent your entire life going door to door or doing the ministry work, how do you transistion into being a productive member of the society? Will there be KH? When Christ comes back will he stay inthe White House, stay in Rome, stay at the HQ in Brookly, NY. Will he rule from heaven, where is heaven we live in space looking at the milky way can anyone point out where heaven is? Can anyone answer this questions? what's your take on destruction, assume the end is near,, like tomorrow,, How can any of this be a reality? What is there is no destruction? What if Jehovah is the Annunaki? Mind boggling yet it's time to open our eyes and wake up.

  • flipper

    IAMPRESENCE2012- Don't worry about it my friend. There will be NO destruction. Armageddon is a fear tactic used by the WT society to keep rank & file Jehovah's Witnesses scared and controlled by the WT leaders. There is no such thing as the JW's " great tribulation ". It's a " great tribulation " just staying in the Witnesses putting up with the unjust treatment and abuse by the WT leaders

  • IamPresence2012

    @ Flipper ofcourse am being sarcastic, but most JW are so blinded, there is no critical thinking or asking the questions. Our thoughts create our reality, I can't imagine 7 million people envisioning destruction,, The governing bodies will have to pay for crimes against humanity. They are not different from the worlds, they participate fully in it.

  • clarity

    Hi Iam how are you doing .......

    Will he kill babies,infants, unborn souls since they have not been preached to?


    ......yes, yes, and yes!


    When Christ comes back will he stay inthe White House, stay in Rome,


    He will live in Rutherfords old house ... a bunch of brothers will do a quick renovation on it!

    There are palm trees planted especially for all the men of old, so Jesus would probably like it too!


    (Said with tongue placed firmly in cheek!)


    When you break down the jw "doctrine" like that, it is so obviously STUPID, isn't it!


    So difficult to get our heads out of all that crraaapppp!


    It keeps stickin on like an old piece of transparent stickey tape ... think you've pulled off...


    but now it is stuck on your other fingers!


    My recommendation is to go on a strict diet of absolutely NO watchtower brainwash!


    Go out in the sunshine and rub shoulders with all the lovely normal people!


    Look forward to hearing more from you Iam.


  • IamPresence2012

    @ Clarity. Thanks I forgot to include the Queens palace, he may like it there too. What a bunch of bullocks! THe WT has created a reality/illusion for them, but they do not sit and think, oh no,, you have to be at the KH or preaching. No time to think for yourself. Thanks for the response.

    I am just amazed. My mom told me if its not inthe awake or if the slave has not annouced it's not real or true. I wonder who is the slave, the door to door common people who still have to make a living or the ones at the HQ living in a penthouse. Go figure who is detached from reality.

  • tootired2care

    I guess there will be no preaching, if you have spent your entire life going door to door or doing the ministry work, how do you transistion into being a productive member of the society? Will there be KH?

    If you believe the WTS dogma then yes there will be, and service too. This is something that has always bothered me; they say that everything that we are experiencing now (the hard life of sacrifice) is preparing us for the new system. And what are the JWs gonna do in the new system? They're certainly not going to have the freedom that most imagine they will have, rather they are going to have to go to more meetings, and study with the resurrected, and worship god constantly, and be obedient to the GB. In other words what you see in the kingdumbhell is a forgleam of the a spiritual "paradise" that awaits...Yuck!

    How so many including myself wanted to lend support to such a dim vision of the future, is beyond the pale when you apply critical thinking to it.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Ahhh, you're forgetting that people literally believe in Noahs Flood, where ALL but 8 were destroyed (yes, that includes innocent newborns, even animals except those saved on Ark).

    I dare say anyone foolish to believe in one tall tale is not going to suddenly turn over a new leaf and become a skeptic for any others...

  • Nambo

    Iampresence2012 Its been a few years since I was in, whilst I can still find scriptures that mention a war of Armeggeden resulting in a great feast of the flesh of Kings, Captains, mighty men and horses, I cannot rememebr the scriptures where it states Gods will kill women and babies, can you remind me please?

  • EndofMysteries
  • EndofMysteries

    Why doesn't this freaking site just detect when you are on it in IE and put up a popup, "Sorry we can't figure out how to make IE work with this site, so you are being disconnected, relog on firefox or chrome")

    Anyway, the WT understanding of armagedon and the lords day is not scriptual. The lords and and armagedon themselves are, and many other parts in the old testament give more details on it, but the WT has done a big hack job on them and how things will happen are not what they think.

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