Okay, get a room you two!
Nov 15 2012 WT on jw.org
by Gayle 19 Replies latest jw friends
Are you suggesting a bethel room sharing sort of scenario?
Bethel Wrestling Champion..
........................... ...OUTLAW
finally awake
that's just awful outlaw!1 I need the brain bleach now
JW GoneBad
OUTLAW, the more I look the more I laugh! Hilarious!
JW GoneBad
‘article to choose 'singleness.' same old same old’
It makes sense that WT favors singleness. More singleness means less marriages; which means less marital problems in the congregations to deal with; which means less JCs; which means less Elders needed; which also means less CA & DC talks, soliloquies & demonstrations on marital problems; less divorces; less separations and less unhappy families in JW World.
Conclusion: If you want a happy family life, stay away from Jehovah’s Witnesses!
strange about not many males single,,not GB,, not many at Bethel long term,, not many COs,,DOs,,,
since the majority are females,,older ones, of course, but ,,not much pickings after 30 yrs old for sure for the females. They wait there for the 'perfect' single guy,,but when one seems to appear, he can pick from the younger ones.
This religion is becoming a "grandmothers cult".
Actually, the only places you can find young people, prepared in WT-wisdom and their source for publishers growth are the foreign languages congregations and groups. Some groups are 80% women with few men available.
I knew recently that in congregations in my area, elders are preventing young ones to move to the foreign language groups because they need men to work in their congos and they're realizing there are very few.