WHAT BULLSHIT! We never talk about Islamic extremists? I have posted threads and comments on it. I decry all religious extremism. I have threads about crazy Moroccans who let a guy rape a woman and buy her hand in marriage. I have other posts where I disagree with other nut jobs for their religious issues, i.e. Christians.
Ugandan brutality is rooted in Islamic dogma.
As for your uninformed opinion on where the homophobia in Uganda comes from, here is their religious break down:
Roman Catholic 41.9%, Protestant 42% (Anglican 35.9%, Pentecostal 4.6%, Seventh-Day Adventist 1.5%), Muslim 12.1%, other 3.1%, none 0.9% (2002 census) This is from CIA World Fact Book.
If you bothered to look at the ding bat in the video I posted you would note that he is a Pastor!
liberals here who NEVER breathe one word about the ethnic cleansing and atrocities by Islamics because they are too busy trying to demonize conservatives
Umm last time I checked Islam is about as socially conservative as they come. You know they are pro-life and anti-gay marriage maybe you should go sign them up!
So don’t pretend you are some conservative god send who is here to set us liberals straight. Your conservative bend makes you get upset when ever one of the issues that El Rushbo mentions is brought up. Did you ever think you jump on this issue because the Christians support your conservative agenda?
PS The Ugandan Pastor attacks Obama at the end of his video....You should enjoy it.