Whoever is behind the family planning official doctrine of the Vatican, is obviously not somebody that has the Vatican best interest at heart. Either that or a case of huge incompetence.
I Believe Catholicism And Its Trappings Are Silly, Strange & Weird!!!
by minimus 306 Replies latest jw friends
When I began reading this thread and noticed that Diest said there would be more condoms in Africa if the Catholic Church did not disapprove of contraception, my immediate reaction was to say "Hey! That's not so!" I said that because I have always lived in Third World countries and know only too well that anyone who wants to buy a condom can buy a condom.
The idea above belongs to the paragraph above, but I wrote it in capital letters, marked it and the like, because I just want people to be aware of the one of the reasons why I don't think the Catholic Church's opposition to contraceptives is effective with the overwhelming majority of Catholics.
When I was in high-school, one of our friends always carried one condom - the same one - in his wallet. We thought he was street-wise because he had that one condom - and, I insist, it was the same old one all the time -. That anecdote makes people laugh these days. Among other reasons, because it was obvious our wise guy wasn't using the condom.
When I became a guy of "impregnating potential" my mother, the same woman who now helps give communion at church, gave me a lot of condoms and said "I don't want to know if you're using them or not. I just don't want you to get AIDS or impregnate anyone". That is very liberal for a person of our origin, but it happened. And my mother is a staunch Catholic. Much to her regret, her son never became a priest.
I think I understand why Flying High Now is so unwilling to say that "a tiny minority of Catholic women follow the Church". In her words:
I have a problem with the Vatican. They should not be telling women not to use birth control. And that means every woman. Every single one. Whether a woman listens to the Pope or not, the Pope has no business perpetuating such an assault on women's rights to control how many babies they have. That's one of my beefs with the church. If only one RC woman, and we both know there are many more than one, is hurt by this ban, then it's one too many.
I can agree with every word she said there. I just cannot agree with saying that
some RC families do disregard what the Pope says on birth control.
because that is a lie. This is the truth:
I believe that anyone can question the Catholic Church on contraception without having to say things in such a way that one's point of view will not be weakened.
If a Martian were to hear that a very tiny minority of Catholic women give up contraception because of what the Pope says, probably that Martian would think that such an issue, while important, would not be the most important regarding the Catholic Church. And that is the problem here.
So yes:
There is a number of Roman Catholic families - not just women; an even smaller number of men also give up contraception - who follow what the Catholic Church says regarding contraception: that is, they don't use contraceptives. Fortunately, it's not the majority of Catholics. Yet the Church has no right to tell them how many children they should have and we need to say that. It's an assault on those people's rights. If only one person were to follow those teachings, that person would be under inacceptable control. We need to fight that until the Church gives up its practice of condemning contraception.
See? That was easy.
The problem here dear dgp, is bigger than your little mind can comprehend.
The pope can say what he wants, he is not coercing anyone. The WT coerces people in various different ways by the methods it uses to recruit and keep people in. EOM.
rather be in hades
please explain why, if no one really cares, why the church is absolutely against aca...
rather be in hades
Orthodox1 - your apologetics of Roman Catholic child abuse is beneath contempt.
Did you read my post and the factual statistics? Did I not state that 1 abuse from the Church is 1 too many? Your hatred blinds you, and you have no response to support the evils done by secularism and others.You only want to hate those who love God fervently. How naive! You know nothing about what Pope John Paul II and Benedect XVI have done to weed out pedophiles (who come from our liberal, immoral culture who infiltrated the Church at the same time of the sexual revolution in the 60s and 70s, who go against Church doctrine). You only know so much becuase it was the work of our two most recent Popes to go prune these guys from our ranks.
You accuse me of apologizing for sex predators, yet I did no such thing in my post.
But it sounds to me, by you being tone-deft to the statistics I posted, YOU ARE EXCUSING EVERYONE ELSE BUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, WHEREAS I EXCUSE NO ONE.
God bless!
rather be in hades
ok wait.....
the history of the roman catholic church is as bloody as can be. even you admit to the destruction of pagan worlds, many of whom DID NOT persecute the catholics, unless they tried to wage war with them and take their lands while enslaving them(see all of south and central america)
but god still blesses the church?
how abot the money laundering from the vatican bank?
but god still blesses the church?
The problem here dear dgp, is bigger than your little mind can comprehend.
The pope can say what he wants, he is not coercing anyone. The WT coerces people in various different ways by the methods it uses to recruit and keep people in. EOM.I beg to differ. You didn't get the point of the thread. I will repeat it here fo ryou: "I believe Catholicism and its trappings are silly, strange & weird!!!"
This post is on a website that deals with the Watchtower, but the subject of this thread IS NOT the Watchtower. I hope you get that.
please explain why, if no one really cares, why the church is absolutely against aca
Ask the Pope. But the fact that the Pope does not want Catholics to use contraception does not mean Catholics do not use them.
You can find the paragraph below in a website by ECLAC, the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean:
The average 2.4 children per woman in the region indicates that fertility rates have diminished significantly more than expected. In the 1950-1955 quinquennium the global fertility rate was 5.9 children per woman in Latin America.
The ageing of the population is the main demographic phenomenon of these times. This should prompt countries to design specific strategies to address the consequences, given the growing weakness of family support networks and the lack of social services and adequate life conditions for the elderly, without neglecting to satisfy the needs of other age groups.
Rbih, the majority of the population in South America are of Indian descent, it seems the main objective was never to annihilate them or rob them their land. They are still there.
Dgp, sorry you can not see the connection. As I told you it is a bigger problem than your little mind can comprehend.