Nice waste of someone's time to go to the boasting session this Sunday. First, I will mention that unless you happened to be the characters mentioned in the washtowel, you will not get the same results. As I see it, Jeremiah got a raw deal--nothing but frustration and a "SHUT UP ABOUT IT AND JUST DO THE DAMN WORK!" from Jehovah. At which point, lack of further complaints means nothing but Jehovah didn't want to hear it.
Not to mention that these were prominent people. Of course, Jehovah is going to do more for prominent people than for us lowly pee-ons. Noah was a patriarch, and Moses was leading the Jewish people to their final destination. Jeremiah was a major prophet, and as I see, got pxxx poor treatment anyways. If Jeremiah could be treated like rubbish despite being a prominent prophet and then be told basically to shut up about it, is Jehovah going to treat you, a lowly Gentile in a "non-essential" position, any better? I don't think so. Why Jeremiah didn't turn to Satan after that incident, I will never figure out (unless he was Jewish and afraid that Satan would annihilate him). And Paul was the founder of Christi-SCAM-ity, once a prominent Pharisee and very Jewish as such. Bearing in mind, if Jehovah records these prominent leaders as examples, do you think he wants you, the lowly Gentile in a lowly position, to find real joy? Or, would he rather you thank him for doing stuff for prominent people?
And no, doing more isn't the answer. Jeremiah, despite being a prominent prophet, just got "SHUT UP AND DO MORE" for an answer. As for me, the lowly Gentile in a lowly position, pious-sneering would have made me a lowly Gentile in a slightly less lowly position. Being a hounder and pious-sneer would make me a lowly Gentile in a bit less lowly position. Still nowhere near the prominence needed so a bad experience would spoil his name for posterity. As there is no way I can get into a position where a bad experience from Jehovah would be a stench to his name forever, I think the answer is simply to do even less for Jehovah and support Satan instead.