Are JCs a Nice Form of a "Breaking Session"?

by LostGeneration 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LostGeneration

    In doing some research a few years back, I came across the use of "breaking session" as something used to control cult members by leadership. Initially, I dismissed this a something smaller, more extreme cults use - and dismissed it as a technique used by the JW org.

    Now I'm not so sure. Here are a few descriptions of the process from

    Bombard them with accusations

    The basic scenario is to isolate the person and to start accusing them of various transgressions. It may start with small things that is easy for them to admit and then steadily escalate with admonishments of breaking important values and even being fundamentally bad and shameful.

    This process may well be done by a number of people. The more people and the higher up in the group they are, the more effective this method becomes. Few people can ignore accusations flying at them from all angles and especially from people they have grown to love and respect.

    Can't really find a real strong connection to the way JWs operate here, other than the isolation of the person in the JC. I'm sure some elders have taken info found from others and used it in a type of witch hunt against an alleged sinner. Also the whole setup of the JC with the three against one setup is certainly intimidating.

    Keep going until they crack

    The point of this session is to push them past a cracking point, similar to when a person has a nervous breakdown and the session may continue well past the point where the person is huddled in a fetal position, rocking back and forth and weeping uncontrollably.

    In doing this, the group wears down their sense of identity, in order to effectively destroy their personality and makes them flee from who they are. Thus this method is literally a way of character assassination.

    This one also doesn't fit the JC procedure, but there is the definite threat held against the person- DFing. I think the overriding threat of disfellowshipping forces a lot of confessions out of people who would otherwise be very uncomfortable telling three men of their sin. Especially considering probably 80% of JCs are formed because of supposed sexual sins, the person is basically between a rock and a hard place when it comes to dealing with the org.

    Remake them

    When the person has cracked, the next step is to approach them with kindness, to show that they are now forgiven and accepted again. They may be hugged and patted. This is done by a senior member of the group. This casts the group back into the kind and loving frame and offers a lifeline to the broken person, who of course grasps at this straw. Very gratefully, they now listen to and accept what this person has to say.

    In this way, they are now remade in the shape of a conforming member of the group who is totally obedient to senior group members.

    Here is where I feel the JW org really does fit into the mold of following a "breaking session" especially if they are DFd. If they are DFd they have to crawl back on their stomach for at least six months, usually a year or longer, being totally shunned. When reinstated, they sometimes become "Super JWs" putting in tons of service time and kissing ass to get back in good graces.

    While few JCs probably reach the point of being a full fledged "breaking session" as described above, the format and punishment of the disciplinary hearing still has the same goal - Control the Member.

  • 00DAD

    LG, you said you didn't think the first two points fit the pattern of JW Judicial Hearings.

    As an elder for over 20 years that served on countless Judicial Committees, I can attest from personal experience that, although these types of intentional "breaking behaviors" may not occur in all JC meetings, they most definitely happen in many, many of them.

    They are often subtle, but they are there none the less. In fact, the final step doesn't really work with out the first two.

    JC's often do become "Breaking Sessions". And believe me, they are NOT nice, not nice at all.

    Unless someone makes a voluntary confession, they will only be in a JC if there are accusations against them. That by nature makes it a very adversarial procedure. That being said, even when an individual voluntarily comes forward for "help", elders will generally probe to find out if there are other related sins. I've been on many committees where some of the elders were obviously getting off on this, particularly when the sins were of a sexual nature involving attractive young people.

    I've also seen many people humiliated during their JC hearings. To a certain extent it is an inescapable result of the very nature of the process, meaning it's humiliating to people even when all the elders try to be gentle, kind and loving. There's no way it can be other wise due to its peculiar design and implementation. Nevertheless, the particular methods of some elders make this procedure much more humiliating than it need be. I've seen grown adults reduced to tears by the elders that are supposed to be "helping" them. And I'm not talking about the raw emotions that a person with a guilty conscience might understandably display in front of people they feel comfortable with. I'm talking about the accused person's defenses being systematically dismantled by elders in an effort to allegedly "move a person to repentance" but in reality only moves them to extreme shame and guilt.

    Then one of two things happens, if they are judged "repentant" then they are taken to Step #3 where they are "welcomed back" after their psyche has been beaten down and broken. Then and only then are they showered with mock "love" which has the obvious goal of reinforcing total compliance. (Think Co-Dependant Relationship).

    Alternately, if they are judged to be "unrepentant" then a person that has been emotionally destroyed is now kicked to the curb to pick themselves up and do what they can to piece their broken and battered self together. This is especially devastating if prior to this time they have tried to be a good, little JW as they will have no support system at all, no friends, no family, nothing. They will also thing that God has abandoned them. They are alone, totally alone. This total isolation of the mind and the soul is an especially devastating form of psychological violence on people. It is particularly offensive as it came from people they believed love them and cared for them and also because they went into the meeting with all their defenses down.

    I know, I've been there. Never again.


  • jam

    A JC meeting. So brother, what kind of sexual activity

    was comitted and where? The brother, none of your damn

    business, Iam out of here. True story, I was there. Of course

    I didn,t ask that question.

  • fakesmile

    good connection, lost G. yes, i believe that JC are an intimidation tactict or breaking session. i love that term, "breaking session". it is cold truth in the disguise of of a "loving arrangement." however flogging and impalement are substituted with jehobos wrath; which is scarier because it is presented like the sword of damiaclise... always hanging over you. many of the brothers involved however, actually think that it is just "a correction method."

  • blindnomore

    values and even being fundamentally bad and shameful.

    This process may well be done by a number of people. The more people and the higher up in the group they are, the more effective this method becomes. Few people can ignore accusations flying at them from all angles and especially from people they have grown to love and respect.

    identity, in order to effectively destroy their personality and makes them flee from who they are. Thus this method is literally a way of character assassination.

    LG, I am an eye witness of the above statements. The Judicial Committee was using this exact methods to a 14 year -old. The Judicial Committee even thretened to marking me if I would tell other witnesses especially mothers of their inhumane methods of "Breaking Session" to a 14 year old kid. Of course, I wasn't going to go along with their monstrous action. I wrote a big fat letter to the JC and let them know that they were nothing but monstrous interrogators. At the end I got DF'ed as well in order to cover up their crime of child abuse.

  • apostatethunder

    They fit the criteria. Only for this reason, this would be a very destructive cult.

    Of course there are many other reasons also.

  • zeb

    OOdad you have a personal email.

    and I liked your commentary on JC interrogations it is explanatory, balnaced, and open-honest while being informative.

    as regards elders who were 'gettingoff', well hand me my Smith & Wesson! because:

    a/ any one knows in a tense situatuion when you are going too far.

    b/probing for the 'details' has to be severely questioned it self. This becomes an utterly unnecessaryit is therefore form of voyeurism.

    what do they learn at elders schools?

  • Fernando

    Hey LostGeneration!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Nice and subtle for sure, from what I have seen and experienced!

    As OODAD says, the fit is shockingly precise.

    Just more evidence that the spirit which secretly inhabits the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin is not Holy at all.

  • 00DAD

    Zeb, got your PM and replied!

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    When I was 18 years old two of the most prominent elders yanked me into the back room right in front of all my girlfriends. There might have been three elders but only the two really aggressive elders stick in my mind.

    The reason was because some sister from the next hall over that I did not know thought she had seen me smoking. The elders were horrible to me. I was totally guilty in their eyes and nothing I said would convince they otherwise. I asked for the second witnesses and they did not have one so they let me go.

    It was beyond hell in that room. They were pointing their fingers in my face demanding that I confuses, etc.

    It totally describes what you posted to a tee what happened to me that day. Then just a few weeks latter they did the same thing all over again, this time they felt they knew they had me as the sister had supposedly came back to them and told them I hid my cigarettes in my purse. I had just moved out of my very, very abusive parents home and did not have a purse as I was so poor living on nothing. I just carried a wallet and my keys.

    I will never forget the head elder pointed his finger in my face and said NOW WE HAVE YOU!!!!! He said it was pure glee in his voice. I just looked at them and said I do not own a purse, my purse broke and I do not have the money to buy a new one. I have not owned a purse for almost a year.
    That took the air out of them and they let me go not knowing what else to do. I will never forget how hateful they were to me. There was absolutely no love for me there butstupidly I stuck around for years and even went to Bethel after that. I was such a stupid person and a true believer.

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