Maybe paganism was superior to the Bible. When Christopher Columbus arrived in America the Indians were practicing brutal human sacrifices. Maybe they should have been left alone.
painting with a rather large brush aren't you? not all pagans did human sacrifices. really now...that's just gobstoppingly silly of you to even ATTEMPT to throw out there.
on top of that, half of your holy text has all kinds of animal sacrifices. sanctity of life...hmmmm
it's interesting you mention columbus...1492 was right in the middle of the inquisition as i understand it and considering that colmbus and company brought diseases that literally wiped out whole poplations of people...yes, i'd say they certainly would have been better off without any meddling.
and i'm also unsre how you figure they wouldn't have stopped that practice on their own. after all, eventually the catholic chrch reversed course on a few things. it took a while, bt eventally they stopped torturing non-believers. it took a REALLY long while, bt eventally they admitted the earth wasn't the center of the solar system, much less the universe. perhaps, just perhaps those heathens would have stopped mercilessly slaghtering one another for their pagan gods...
Pagan morals are also much more fun than the Christian ones, just don’t expect the same level of spiritual development or even trustworthiness from a temple prostitute, than from a Christian. If you extrapolate this to the type of society they produce, you can see clearly which one is superior to the other.
are you saying that there weren't catholic prostitutes? it's the oldest profession in the book lmao. i think you should read some of st. agustine's fellow, seemed to think prostitutes weren't so bad.
just remember, can't turn a ho into a housewife...
We are not in the middle ages anymore, even though some people seem to be stuck there. The Church doesn’t burn anyone these days. Protestants also did it at the time. Some totalitarian atheistic regimes still do it in the XXI century.
1) so since the protestants did it, that absolves you? we're not even talking about them, but it's funny you mention them. you do remember how protestantism came about right? luther and the 99 problems but a b***h aint one? sorry...that was jay z. he had some sort of thesis and was excommunicated for all the wrongs like selling free passes to sin and still get to heaven. kinda reminds me of how the jws work...
2) speaking of jws...we're not in the 1800s anymore, so that whole, "it's ending in 1914" business shouldn't apply.
3) i forgot to mention how we're not in the period between 1914-1919 anymore so that shouldn't count either.
4) and while i'm at it...we're not even in the 20th century anymore, how dare anyone mention 1925 and 1975? oh and now that certain blood fractions are ok, surely it's not cool to talk about how people died from not having transfusions. or organ transplants, or were pushed into not getting a higher education.
5) going back to point 1...since the jws are having a sexual abuse scandal, i guess that gives catholics a free pass?
6) now that i think of it, i'm pretty sure there's a lot of pagans TODAY who don't practice human sacrifices anymore. why are you still living in the past?
i don't have issues with catholics at all, frankly i see them in a much better light than jws for sure, but for anyone to claim they have the ONE religion and that everyone has to follow THEIR guidelines is beyond nuts, especially when you've come out of the jws. this is the sort of thinking that strips homosexuals of their RIGHT to enter into a consensual relationship and marriage with all the benefits that are their RIGHT. this is the sort of oppressive thinking forces square pegs into round holes which ultimately damage the peg.