Does Anyone Know Where This Picture Came From...
by MADMARY 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
well said, talesin. I do think I saw the photo with the caption before and it was just someone's playing around. -
I searched by Google Images & put in the url from the image on the o.p.
I found it on this strange religious site that seems to teach a West Indian second coming , being once members of J Ws....
I did not want to grace them with a link.
Some of us have reasons to be bitter. I try not to be mean but when they've destroyed 3 + generations of your family it is really hard to not be bitter. I don't really enjoy bitterness but it gives me a reason to get me up everyday. I guess I really do want an eye for an eye. won't say I'm sorry. -
violias: guess I really do want an eye for an eye. won't say I'm sorry.
You have no need to say sorry.
Redemption is for those who don't accept being victimized.
Violias - you know, that was not a personal attack towards all who feel bitter. I don't believe that people need to 'get over it', or anything like that.
Of course, your feelings are valid! I do NOT forgive my abusers, and never will.
My comments are directed to those who think they are leading a huge movement of apostates! And these memes are Educating the PUBLIC! ahahaha!As Judge Judy would say "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining". IOW, these meme creators assume a posture which is untrue: that said memes are helpful in educating people about the WTS. They are no more than expressions of bitterness.