I'm sure you're a very nice person and I don't want to get into an argument but rather a civil debate. I just wanted to point out that as ex-JWs many of us are a little obsessed with truth (not to be confused with "The Truth" tm) and that after being burned by the Watchtower Society and hating ourselves for being so stupid to have fallen for its BS we have now become highly skeptical of the Bible as well. In my own search for truth, though I am but a poor ameteur researcher, I discovered that science and history can quickly destroy the apologetics of literalist Bible supporters.
You ask Atheists where we get our morals but did you ever seriously research where your Bible got its rituals, beliefs, and laws. Even a shallow study of history will show very quickly that the Hebrews were predated by many Middle Eastern cultures. These older cultures provided the Hebrews (who eventually became the Isrealites) with all of their morals, laws, and beliefs long before any of your Bible was written. The Bible is a relatively young book and logic tells us that new books usually borrow their ideas from older books and not the other way around.
History also shows that the Hebrews were a very minor force in the region and that many superior cultures conquered and dominated them leading to influence flowing from master to slave and not the other way around. The Egyptians contributed the removal of the foreskin, dietary taboos, monotheism, and other major philosophical influences to the Hebrew culture long before there was a Bible. Other superior cultures then continued to influence the development of the Hebrews as they each conquered and ruled the region in turn. The truth is that your moral code came from so called pagan cultures and not God.
Don't believe me. I challenge you to research it for yourself. Are you a lover of real truth? All you have to lose are your prejudices and preconcieved notions. Why not risk seeing reality? You are a Christian only due to the accident of your birth culture. Transend this limitation and look for objective reality beyond your cultural prejudices. If your original beliefs are really true you will find them in your search. Are you afraid of what you might find if you look to hard? A friendly challenge because I want you to free yourself.