Woman runs down man in car leaves him 2 die

by bboyneko 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    .. http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/03/08/hit.and.rundeath.ap/index.html

    THis is awful, a woman hits a homeless man, and hes lodged in her windshield bleeding ot death with 2 broken legs, and she drives all the way home, leaves him in her garage and calls friends to find out what to do, and they tell her to dump him somewhere... so he bleeds to death in her garage and she dumps his body in a park. And while he was in the garage one of the first things she did was have sex with her boyfriend.

    blegh..I'm appaled that this could happen anywhere in the world. I can't beleive her friends advised her to dump the body too.

  • peaceloveharmony

    bboy, i read this story yesterday. disgusting and sad. poor guy :(

  • dubla

    this article was just pointed out to me this morning. isnt this one of the craziest things youve ever heard? it sounds like some kind of sick horror story.......i cant imagine someone actually doing this; absolutely disgusting.


  • safe4kids

    Geezzzzzzussss! This was the story on the radio that I woke up to this morning...it defies imagination!!!!



    INHUMANE! Her actions show that she is one self-centered, uncaring piece of FECAl matter. I can't even leave an injured animal on the side of the road to die. What's her lawyer thinking....She admits she was drunk; she admits she was on the influence of an illegal drug(that supposedly increases sexual desire), she admits that she had sex(self-gratification)while this PERSON was going thru unexplanable HELL. She along with her friends plotted to do away with the body...and her lawyer can justify this. I have mixed emotions with the Andrea Yates situation, however, she was emotionally and mentally sick. I feel so for these children, but at least she didn't run them down and have them as decorative items in her windshield until she could find away to throw their little bodies in a park...she did call the police.

    This gal is a piece of work as are her friends who helped her. Pathetic!!


    I saw it this AM on the local news--some times I say such words as BAD/shit, etc. YES I am sarcastic most all the time and it usually hits a nail on the head (truthful) to a fault....B U T this babe and her friends hit an all time low--she living in home and fuck society He being homeless.....THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH BAD WORDS TO SAY WHAT I FEEL..SO I AM GOING TO STOP WHILE I AM HEAD GUYS......

  • Xena

    My God that is horrible. How in the world could she do that? I cry when I hit a rabbit...and then to leave him in the windshield and ignore his pleas for help....that is one very sick individual! Makes me physically ill just thinking about it!

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango


  • morrisamb

    Reading your heartfelt comments in response to bboyneko's thread, (which I totally concur with), couldn't help thinking...'And the Jehovah's Witnesses say we have Satan! Some of the kindest human beings I've encountered, no, most of the, kindest are considered weak or evil by the organization.
    It warms my heart to read of your Christ-like compassion.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    I wouldn't of believed it, if it were not on CNN. How sad.

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