BE AFRAID, WT could predict the future

by apostate man 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    I just had a scary thought. The WT could predict something, and because of the size of their organization, actually make it come true.

    IE. Lets say they had "new light" and every JW would be taken to heaven on a certain date. But first, every JW had to liquidate everything they had and send the money to WT, and in return WT would send back a "holy pill" that every JW would have to take on that day so they could get through those pearly gates. Kind of like an admission ticket. This could easily be done with one printing in Awake, and you know as well as I do, they would all follow. Thus they correctly predicted that 6 million people would be taken away on a certain date, to Gods Kingdom. EESH, makes me wanna join, not!

    I hope WT does not see this, it may give them new ideas...

  • JBean

    Yeah... kind of scary. Reminds me of a thread a while back where a poster said something like, "what would happen if the Society told every JW that the time had come to kill all non-JW's... how many of them would do it, even if they didn't want to, out of loyalty to the Organization???" Not something sweet dreams are made of.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    JBEAN, thats even scarier than what I said. But I have guns, they mostly do not. S&W will protect me.

  • YoYoMama

    Our obedience to Jesus' teachings overrides that scenario.

  • ISP

    Yoyo......Jesus' teachings? Like what are they? Since when has the WTS taught anything other than else mans teachings?


  • apostate man
    apostate man

    YOYO, your obediance to WT overrides Jesus' teachings.

  • Stephanus

    "Sticks and stones
    will break your bones,
    But a Smith and Wesson's,
    will really teach you a lesson!"

  • moman

    The WT would never do anything like that, they are just a medium corporation, cold & calculating!
    They would never do anything to get sued.

  • out4good3

    If the WT did that all 4 million of them would be lining up to see who'd take the first pill. Pills would be forced down childrens' throats. And those that wouldn't take the pill would be given a big dose of guilt trip-itis for not following what the FDS demanded.

    Jim Jones all over again.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    I didn't say they WOULD, I said they COULD. WT needs to have its pants sued off of 'em for letting so many people die to begin with. Nothing more than a Satanic sacrafice in my book.


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