I do understand your concerns but be fair to Simon. This Board has been for some while turning the corner from chaos to hell. I have never seen so many people hurt and pained in such a short while as has occured, and is occurring here at present.
Can we not see that damaging people emotionally from behind hidden screens is cowardly and not acceptable to the owner of the Board. It is not acceptable to many of the Boards participants either, and I include myself here.
NYT, and others like him, have bought nothing in any way to this Board, but mischief and hurt. They are a children let loose with a loaded pistol and delight in shooting their betters from behind hidden bushes.
It is not really a hard job for Simon to do. He deactivates accounts, we accept that he has his reasons for doing so, and we move on. It is that easy.
As it is, perhaps he should block certain ISP's from being able to log altogether which would take care of the emergence of multiple personna's who lack the imagination to remove their identity badges.
Best regards Naeblis - HS