My Parents just bought Crisis of Conscience!!

by ashitaka 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Congratulations, ashi!!!


  • meomy

    I personally read both books. I thought they were excellent
    but i still am in.. I think someone is going to have to hit
    me in the head with a hammer to make me leave.
    Watchtower beliefs such as no hell and pardise earth are just
    to wonderful i quess for me to give up. I talked to a pasture
    thought that he might be able to shed some light. He was very
    vauge about his beliefs he said "I just dont know where we will be
    when we die (basically to trust god) I quess thats why i cant make
    the break i havent learned to trust god. I know some here can read
    those books and leave immediatly ..As for me i am truly undecisive
    and i have 2 children and i worry for their lives. I am going to
    read the books again , pray and read steven hassans book on mind
    control who knows. maybe someday I can say woo hoo i am free too?

  • JT

    I personally read both books. I thought they were excellent
    but i still am in.. I think someone is going to have to hit
    me in the head with a hammer to make me leave.
    Watchtower beliefs such as no hell and pardise earth are just
    to wonderful i quess for me to give up. I talked to a pasture
    thought that he might be able to shed some light. He was very
    vauge about his beliefs he said "I just dont know where we will be
    when we die (basically to trust god) I quess thats why i cant make
    the break i havent learned to trust god. I know some here can read
    those books and leave immediatly ..As for me i am truly undecisive
    and i have 2 children and i worry for their lives. I am going to
    read the books again , pray and read steven hassans book on mind
    control who knows. maybe someday I can say woo hoo i am free too?


    take your time ---no need to feel that you must leave cause others left quickly- you need to make sure that you are fully convinced and only you can make that call-

    you are on the right path by taking the time to examine things and yes your kids are important and in time IF YOU CONTINUE to read read read and examine examine examine- you will make the right choice.

    one thing is for sure- once you find out the truth about the truth the meetings, mag, talks will never be the same


  • meomy

    thanks JT.. The thing is i have been reading these posts for a year
    and i am still 50/50. Sometimes when i go to the hall I look around me and think these people are true lovers of god (my hall is very loving). I think well maybe the organization will come around.. you know new light..But then i think i have never been PERSONALLY INJURED like some here have been such as molestation or blood issue. Maybe i am brainwashed..sometimes i think that maybe that love doesnt exist in churches only at the hall. I may join a pastors bible study group to prove myself wrong? I quess i need to see if you can find love elsewhere. Plus my children will need good christian kids to hang around being they will lose alot of freinds if we leave. My children are in JR high and they say the kids that attend churches are no different then those who do not go to church. i have never been a jw who will not let my children have friends(my husband is not a jw.) So my children have been in a few sports ...As long as they did not interfere with meetings ...Thanks for all on this board for your help..

  • gumby
    gumby's 5:15 am and you just made my day!
    What an awesome event in your life! If I found out my wife, or daughter and her family, mom, sisters, aunts, whoever......were planning on reading any two of Ray's books....I would have a stroke!

    This is an awesome example to all on the board to see one as yourself, and now your parents, make this break! People are floored when they here of someone leaving the dubs as they are one of the toughest nuts in the cults to crack

    I want to go back to all your previous posts and see how you slowly had a mind change with some help from all of us here.

    This makes me want to help others here even more! People REALLY DO leave!..........Thanks so much for this great news!

  • gumby

    Just one more thing....wouldn't it be nice to send Ray this thread as there are so many comments about how his book(s) have aided so many out? I know he hears of many stories but more is better.

  • orangefatcat

    see everyone can be nice when they want to, hope we made a good impression for your parents.

    all the best to them and hope they find the answers they seek.

    HINDSIGHT IS 20/20

  • ashitaka

    Thanks for the responses, guys. I'm really happy right now. In fact, even in the past month that my dad's been questioning things, my parent's relationship has been better.

    Now, the man's no saint, but inside, without all of the JW crap, he's a good guy, and I think that making a clean break would be best for him.

    It took two years of me subtly talking to my parents about my concerns that got them to this point. They're almost out as it is. I hope this is the final chapter in all this.

    The final, final, chapter will be after my sister's wedding. Then maybe everyone, including in-laws, will escape from their bonds.

    I'm not saying a damn thing to my father or sister about it, because I don't want to jinx it. I'll just be my same old ornery self, giving but kind of moody. I think they'll make all of the connecctions I did on their own.

    I can't tell you how hard it's been. First, getting my wife out. Just convincing her that she wasn't a bad person was hard enough, but to help her achieve true realization was so difficult. Then all of the other dramas. Things are always revisited with me, and they seem to get harder with every person I try to help, but at least it's still working. I just want my luck to hold out until they're all officially out. Then we can all forget about this silly mess, and really begin to live, without any of the old hurt.

    It's going to be so wonderful.


  • Carmel


    If I may butt or two doctrins do not a religion make! I think you are natually skeptical of non-jw thinking, as well you should be. There is a lot of chaff out there amongst the wheat. Personally I reject the majority of mainline christain doctrins, and in fact think the JWs have one or two that are more logical, on the other hand, many of them are pure bunk and are the furtherist thing from reality of any group that claim to be christian.

    Keep up your search, Don't be afraid to read anything...I know that is forbidden by the Bros but you need to satify yourself and to hell with those that want to control your mind or spirit.

    If you'd like I could send you some great reading.. let me know.


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