Remember When?

by closer2fine 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy



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  • SYN

    OK, this one'll be for my kids (*cough*):

    Remember the old days when:

    * You could still buy computer operating systems?
    * There was no War On Terrorism, only a War On Drugs?
    * When Angel Dust was the worst hallucinogenic substance available?
    * When you could get onto an airliner with your Swiss Army Knife in your pocket?
    * When dissident speech against the US Government's Isreal/Palestine policy wasn't censored by all the major news sites as being 'unpatriotic'?
    * When Usenet still ran on dedicated servers, and wasn't owned by Google?
    * When Geocities didn't have bandwidth caps on their free sites?
    * When dot-coms gave away $100 free offers?
    * When you could draw up a business plan involving 'increasing the synergistic work-flow management efficiency between diverse corporate interests' and get a billion dollars of venture capital for it?
    * When Al-Quaeda prisoners weren't strapped into chairs for twenty hours on a trans-Atlantic flight with their heads hooded in black cloth bags, and weren't left there to piss themselves during the flight without food?
    * When you could ask your 7 year old daughter to open your mail for you without worrying about her getting Anthrax?
    * When AOLTimeWarnerMicrosoft didn't own the entire entertainment industry? (OK, that was over the top, but goodness grief...)
    * When the worst thing you could do in school was hire yourself out as an underaged male hooker?
    * When nobody did Citizen's Arrests if you talked too loudly in Arabic while wearing a turban in a large convenience store?
    * When you could still discuss specific details about terrorism on a website's forum and not have the FBI visit your home the next day?
    * When you could still REMOVE Internet Explorer from Windows and expect it to function properly?
    * When governments didn't use the same planes in the same country to both bomb and drop food packets?
    * When fighters were still flown by pilots?
    * When Congress actually debated bills that would severaly limit freedom of speech and infringe several other Amended rights?

    My rant of the week!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

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