I wonder if bethelites are sent here for research, but I can't see any being sent here for research in which it wouldn't awaken them at the same time. Even the governing body themselves may awaken if they were at this board haha.
Are active bethelites sent here to spy?
by EndofMysteries 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
There has been some pretty convincing evidence over the years that somehow the WTS gets information from this board.
I've never seen any evidence that active Betehlites are doing the monitoring.
What seems more likely is that the WTS pays some non-JW firm to monitor this board (and others) for issues that may expose them to legal liability or even just plain old embarrassment. The WTS is extremely concerned about its public image.
It doesn't give a rat's patootie about its members, but is greatly concerned about things that would affect its assets and its prestige.
I hope someone from HQ is reading the valueable info posted on here. This site contains the insights of a wide cross section of individuals who for one reason or another became casualties of their organization. If they truly love and value the lives of their flock and of the human race as they say they do, they will acknowledge the wrongs that have been suffered by former members and they will strive to rescue the ones they have left who are dying on the vine while the rest are out knocking on doors looking for new victims.
This will end up being their own downfall. One of the many disadvantages of being a liar.
I cannot find it easy to believe that an active believing JW could read extensively on this site and still remain for long in the Borg.
And yet it is obvious that at the top, behind the GB, are a group of men who pull the strings , who dictate what is written in the publications, and it is blindingly obvious that those guys do not believe.
They have a nice life-style funded by the WT, and they want to keep that going, so one or more of them could keep a sharp eye on this and its sister sites quite easily, they do not have a faith in the WT to destroy, and I think they do read on here all the time.
Hi Guys !!!! How's the Cash Flow ? Your Cash-Cow ain't givin' so much milk these days.
What seems more likely is that the WTS pays some non-JW firm to monitor this board (and others) for issues that may expose them to legal liability or even just plain old embarrassment.
To which the independant firm must be having quite the laugh behind closed doors.
Personally, I doubt it very much. I know that there have been instances of feedback but my guess is that the came from lurkers or other third parties. They are more concened when info or "confidential" stuff gets leaked, but they must be resigned to it by now.
I think that they like to live in splendid isolation , holding us in contempt, until Jehovah sweeps us all away !
who cares? Let them spy on the forum.
They SHOULD be here. This place has to be the greatest source of info for future Dist Conv material possible.
Plus, I'm constantly amazed how posters here discuss what SHOULD take place to fix this or that in the WTS. The GB couldn't ask for a better support group to keep them informed and help them design new policy.
Do you actually think any of us are going to click on all those links?