by The Quiet One 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Be aware, fellow JWNers, that Thirdwitness and his site are JW Apologists, the articles on this site are using quite disgusting faulty reasoning to defend the WT's pitiful Abuse Policy.
The other stuff on there, defending 607BCE as the date of Jerusalems destruction etc is of course laughable, but defending the disgusting WT and its lack of care for the vulnerable and the already abused is simply beyond the pale.
It is as bad as defending the Nazi extermination policies.
Thirdwitness is a turd.
A load of SHIT!
Awake was full of UN stuff. New light and lifesaving truths from Jehovah, er sorry, UN.
Behold the fast forward moving organization of Jehovah-with the aid of UN!
Now do you understand one of the main reasons that Awake is reduced to a mere 16 pages? Their UN waters have dried up!
The Quiet One
@Phizzy: You probably don't even see it, but your response is similar to the Watchtowers response to 'apostate material'. Your warning to fellow Jwners is quite frankly comical.. The link I posted was for the benefit of people who are capable of looking at both sides of an issue before forming their own opinion. I have enough respect for the intelligience of some of the people here to leave it at that. Why you felt the need to send out a 'warning', as though nobody can decide for themselves if the site is deceptive.. and then denounce all of the material on the site as a waste of time and even 'laughable', without giving even a single example to prove your point.. I don't know. The final line of your post seems to be a fine example of the degree of logical thought and articulation that you are capable of. And Nolaws' response isn't even worthy of one.. It doesn't even make sense. I wish you both well, though, all the same.
Third witness states on his website:
"The bottom line is that it is unscriptural to disfellowship someone at the mouth of one witness. Surely God's word should take precedent over the thinking of imperfect men. Thus Jehovah's Witnesses apply the two witness rule using both reason and logic. To do otherwise would be to deny the Bible."
I wonder if this will get rubbed out and reworded if WT have to redefine their policies in the wake of Conti. It would be very WT'ish to flip-flop it 180 degrees and pretend this was always their stance!
"The bottom line is that it is unscriptural to disfellowship someone at the mouth of one witness. Surely God's word should take precedent over the thinking of imperfect men. Thus Jehovah's Witnesses apply the two witness rule using both reason and logic. To do otherwise would be to deny the Bible."
Third Witness conveniently avoids the "being in submission to superior authorities" thing, doesn't he? I don't give a damn if the Watch Tower df's accused child molesters. What I do care about is that this filthy organization doesn't report the accusations to law enforcement.
The Quiet One
@jamiebowers: If you were to read everything on the site.. you'd see that elders are required to report even alleged abuse if it's mandatory under the law to do so.. or even if not legally required to in some circumstances. Otherwise the victim can go to the authorities themselves, which is best if they are adults, or elders can accompany children to report to the police if necessary. If you think that all allegations should be reported, whether the victim wants it to be or not, okay. But consider the possibility that..telling elders that they HAVE TO report every allegation of anything that falls under the local laws definition of child abuse...regardless of the circumstances of the case or the wishes of the victim and their families.. Might be unbalanced? http://thirdwitness.com/childabuse/Mandatory.html