Is there anyone out there who is df'd and desirous of returning? I am and would like to talk with someone of like mind. I was an Elder who did something stupid. I've attended meetings since I was df'd but after 15 months it is getting hard.
R U Disfellowshipped ?
by DFshipped 15 Replies latest jw friends
I am not disfellowshipped. I am inactive. I can imagine that it must be extremely difficult to be in your position.
My best advice to you is to use the time you have now to research the truth about the "truth".
Best of luck to you in whatever you decide.
Thanks for the interest. I can tell you that I have tried that.
At age 17 I spent nearly 2yrs in Jail for the truth, and used that time too. Nothing since my baptism has ever been enough to make me dfoubt the truth. Sometimes I doubt some people, but not the truth.
See my comment as NickL on the post "confused"
What do you think? -
I have a couple questions. Why is it taking over 17 months to get back in? Don't they usually reinstate in your locality, sooner than that? What kind of research did you do? What did you read?
Hi I have been df for 3 weeks. It's probably taking you so long because you were an elder. I knew an elder in our congregation who was an assistant ministry school servant and he was also giving talks on a regular basis and at the same time he was leading a double life, cheating on his wife. I, myself, was just a publisher and I committed fornication. I bet I could get back in in less than a year if I tried, but I'm taking a little time out right now. The only thing I can say to you is keep up the good work. You'll be back soon.
Hey Gene and DFshipped,
You have a unique freedom now. When you were a jw's - you could be df'd for being here, talking with others who were not in support of the WTS. You could be df'd for reading Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz - and trying to understand the discussion.
Now - by being df'd - you have the freedom to read, learn the history of the leaders of the WTS, the teachings from the Bible, from science, from historians. You can read and talk to whomever you want.
You can pray to God just like you could before being df'd from the WTS.If you go back, you will lose this freedom.
DFshipped, you say you have done much research. Where and what? What do you think about the changes in the blood policy - the blood policy itself? There is a thread started under Dr. Muramoto, please feel free to share comments with backup material.
I hope you guys hang around, it's a nice place to have as a base, then to branch out and go to other sites for research. There's an incredible amount of knowledge about the WTS on the web, backed up with the WTS's on articles to back up the statements.
thinkers wife
Do whatever you must do. If that is really what you want then you as a previous elder know the rote. Regular meeting attendance.
TW -
To whom it may concern:
I must say that i feel for those of you who were associated with congregations that were so .......shitty. The congregations that I was affiliated with were and are "simply marvelous". I recently went to a congregation to request reinstatement and I was told it would probably be three months! Boy, I remember a time when there was no "time limit". I knew a brother who took two years of faithfully attending meetings to get reinstated. (His crime was heineous)But, nonetheless, he was reinstated. Btw, no charges were filed, however the victim's unbelieving father wanted to press charges and was discouraged from doing so. I know first hand as I was engaged to the offender and I had to sit in on his JC because the brothers wanted to make sur that i knew what he had done and that I had the option of getting out of the marriage. I opted out.But I think that was a terrible violation of his right to privacy and at the same time I'm forever grateful that I was informed. After two years, when he was reinstated, we became engaged again (I had fallen into inactivity by then, depressed over the whole thing), so he said that if I started going back to the hall, we could get married--and then he decides I'm not good enough for him because of MY conduct. Go figure and good ridance. -
You say you were an elder and you don't know how to get back in? That's truly amazing to me because you were supposedly in a position to be able to tell others exactly what it is that you are asking for. Another thing: You should know (esp. since you were an elder) that talking to other DF'd persons and 'apostates' is a no no. You are violating your religion's dogma and yet you want to get back in? Is it just me or does there exist a conflict here?
If you want back in this is what you do: Go talk to the chairman of the committee that df'd you and ask him what it would take for you to get back in. Obviously you're doing something wrong or not doing something right in their eyes. Ask them inasmuch as they are the ones that will make the decision.
BTW I know a guy who served as an elder and was used on the platform at the circuit assemblies who left his wife (very pretty girl) and shacked up with a 'worldly' gal at work. He was promptly df'd. He married the woman and started dragging her to the meetings with him. They were the perfect picture of a model family sitting there so attentive and pious looking, holding hands while they prayed! It was all very touching unless you knew that his ex-wife was sitting by herself in the next congregation. The 'worldly' woman was quickly pounced upon by some well-meaning sisters and very shortly began studying and was baptized. Within a year the guy was re-instated and now he is the picture of piety and a textbook illustration of the ideal, God fearing, Christian family man, the ideal JW. So you see it's not really hard coming back in at all!!!-Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-
I recently went to a congregation to request reinstatement and I was told it would probably be three months!
I've attended meetings since I was df'd but after 15 months it is getting hard.
Who are you trying to please here? Not here as in this, board but here as in, this life?
Does God put a time limit on his grace and love? I have never seen in the bible"In 10 days I will accept you again" Come on guys and girls! Know what in your heart you are seeking and you shall find:)