Vacations in Time...

by Xena 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    lol no not in time-shares

    If you could vacation anywhere in time where would it be and why?

    And there would be no repercussions due to your interaction with other people.

  • Xena

    Oh and when the vacation is over all trace of your ever being there would be erased...

  • Beans

    One year before christs apparent birth and follow him around,and I would document everything and put it in a time capsule for the real story.Then I would give it to Hollywood for a movie and become rich and have sex with women until death in my loft on the beach!


  • teejay

    And there would be no repercussions due to your interaction with other people.


    Uh... "interaction"? oooo-kay.

    Cozumel. 2nd choice: Miami. 3rd choice: NYC.

    tj - laffin his ass off... wonderin' if Zee has been online the past few days... reading any of what tyydyy has said!

  • tyydyy

    I'd like to try the 80's for a week. I think it would be fun watching all the people walking around in tight shirts and short jogging shorts. Hearing Howard Jones and Wang Chung on the radio. I'd like to see Stevie Ray Vaughn live in a little club in Austin. I'd like to laugh at the TV shows like Chips and The Six Million Dollar Man.


  • Satanus

    In the sixties at the centre of it, at its peak, but not woodstock. Or in the future somewhere in a utopia living in nature somewhere.


  • SYN

    1947, in the skies above Hiroshima five minutes before they dropped the first nuke. I'd take some wire cutters with and disable it's arming mechanism, then sedate the crew and park the plane on a neutral island somewhere after dropping the bomb in very deep water.

    Same goes for Nagasaki.

    Failing that, I'd visit Roswell, New Mexico a few weeks immediately afterward to see what *really* happened to that crashed alien spacecraft.

    I'd also love to go back to the 80's! Although technically I was around then, but I was only a few years old...

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Satanus

    I forgot to put the word 'hippie' in my post about the sixties:)

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    lol, i'd go back to the 80's with tyydyy (but xena's COMING to )!

    xena, why don't you post where you'd go and why??!

  • Celia

    I would go back to 1944, when some german soldiers stormed into my village and took away all able young men. I would find a good hiding place for them all, particularly for my uncle that I never knew... he was 17, they threw him out, in front of his parents and sisters, and he ended up in a working camp (Neuengam) and died of abuse and neglect and was cremated in one of their &*$%^&! ovens...

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