When you leave the borg. Where do most of you go? To any other church? Start your own? Not to anywhere? Do you miss getting together with other christians?
When you leave?
by lv4fer 11 Replies latest jw friends
I went nowhere and find its much more relaxing and fulfulling that way. I certainly don't miss getting together with christians!
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
I don't need to be forgiven. -
"When you leave the borg."
>Where do most of you go?
For me their is no need to go anywhere.
>To any other church?
>Start your own?
>Do you miss getting together with other christians?
Not to anywhere?
I am where I always existed, only now I am aware of it.
I didn't go anywhere.
I had to get my life back together.
My issues were with god and so the thought of going to another church reviled me.
I didn't want anything to do with god, and so to start my own church was never a thought.
I don't miss any fellowship with christians despite the fact that I learnt my issues were not with god but the borg.
Now, I feel what is important for me is a one to one relationship with god. -
I didn't go anywhere because I realized that if there's a god in the universe, I don't need any human organization to be in harmony with him. Even the Jehovah Witness agree with it because it is wrote in the Bible.
We become more attuned to the human condition when we recognize that God is not going to fix our problems.
The question you pose is often asked by ones that have newly left the organization. I know that you may feel somewhat disjointed and have a vague feeling that there is something vaguely different in your life now. You may even feel a little fearful. These feelings will linger for a while but they will eventually pass away. What you have to remember and reflect upon is why you left, the realization that WBTS is not truly God's organization and that by staying in this organization you would not be living a life that is true to yourself.
This board is a good place to start to receive confirmation of your stand for independence and you can also search for support groups that are specific to cults. My best wishes for you. -
I now have a full rewarding life, a relationship with God that was not possible for me in the borg, and a promising future. Took a while to get my bearings, but life is great.
When you leave the borg. Where do most of you go? No, I didnt go nowhere. I went back to life. I have never felt so alive, so appreciated for my own opinions, so capable of making the right choices.
To any other church? NO thank you.
Start your own? Why? To control other people's minds? Why would I need to?
Not to anywhere? Like I said, I felt like I've been nowhere my whole life. I know where I am now.
Do you miss getting together with other christians? Absolutely not. I get together with true Christians every day.. at work, school, the grocery store, parks. Christianity isn't defined by the title you wear, but the way you treat others.
Thank you all for your replys. Why do I feel as though I'm not worshipping God, if I don't go somewhere? What about the scripture not to forsake the gathering? I guess I've always been apart of some religious org. I was brought up Episcopalian, and then became JW. I enjoy hearing bible discussions (in person) and I would miss not having that. I also like hearing talks, maybe I don't agree with everything said but I'd like to go somewhere I can discuss what I do and don't agree with. Of course you can't do that as a Witness, but is there somewhere?
What the WTBTS has managed to do is remove all desire to become part of ANY church. I'll never trust any group again.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On