Do you want, in the JW religion, and can you thinking of going back if they come?
What changes ?
by happy man 11 Replies latest jw friends
No way !!!!!
If you need an organization, there are dozens to choose from that are not as dangerous as the JWs, why wait until they change all their deathly, dangerous, family-wrecking doctrines ? -
Not a chance!
I can't think of anything that would ever convince me to ever follow them again. They have lost all credibility. They are not trust worthy.
Why follow men with such a disgraceful track record???cb
They may change as much as I want, but I would never go back.
You get treated like like, and then are expected to go back for more??
Doubt it !!
Kep -
The dfing/shunning should stop. No matter how much they change, i would never go back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Period
OK, imagine that they will bring about enough changes to satisfy me in coming back. who will say when they change right back to their former stands? they have a history of swapping yes-no-yes-no etc.
so even if it does happen it will just be temporary at best!!!!greven.
"Fear is strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground."
-from "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett- -
DFing/shunning needs to be done away with.
The blood transfusion issue needs to be done away with.
The subjugation of women needs to be done away with.
The preaching work should be completely voluntary, with no time reporting; otherwise it needs to be done away with.
The evasion of paying taxes by the WTS needs to be rectified.
The charitible status of the WTS needs to be documented with real charitible works, such as homeless shelters, food banks, soup kitchens, relief operations for people who lose their homes to fire or natural disasters.
The derogatory view of post-secondary education needs to be done away with.
The rules regarding morality need to be revisited and modified. People are more sexually aware now than they ever were, and expecting people to wait until their wedding night is archaic. If they make the choice to do so, that's one thing. Forcing them to comply with the rule on pain of disfellowshipment is quite another. Couples who divorce should not need the other to commit adultery in order to be allowed to remarry with the congregation's blessing.
The doctrine of the 'little flock' and the 'other sheep' needs to be done away with.
Pedophiles should not be protected by a "two eyewitness" rule.
Abusers (including wife beaters and child beaters) should not be protected by a "two eyewitness" rule.
Elders, who claim 'clergy privilege' when confronted by authorities, should respect that privilege and refrain from gossip and slander within the congregation.That's just the beginning of my list. Even if they met all of the criteria, I have been so abused by JWs (who are just following WTS policy) I don't think it would be enough to make me want to go back. EVER.
Love, Scully
The only change I would make is to reverse the gender of everyone in the religion. I think that would end the reign of the WTBTS quite rapidly.
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age
Interesting post, happy man. Good question.
No, like the others, I wouldn't go back. However, it would be nice to see the changes listed by Scully and the others, so that for those there who cannot or will not leave, those that I know and still love, they will have a more NORMAL and FRIENDLY place to worship in.
For example, if the reforms of the two-eyewitness rule take place and the JW organization no longer is such an easy place to hide for pedophile perverts, then the children I know in the organization will be safer, and that will give me a greater measure of comfort.
J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) -
They need to do away with the shunning of course and drop the blood issue. But I wouldn't go back without having a complete lobotomy first.
But let's remember. If the GB dropped DFing and shunning it wouldn't make much of a difference. My wife and I are shunned and all we are is inactive.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On