G'Day teamsters, in an attempt to alleviate some enmity within the posters in this board, i deliver to you all some puzzles!!
** There are two rooms, in one there are three lights, in the other there are three switches; you cannot see one room from the other, each switch controls only one of the 3 lights. What is the fewest number of trips you have to make to the other room to know which switch goes to which light? **
**A man was changing a flat tire when all 4 nuts used to hold the wheel in place rolled into the sewer drain where they were irretrieveable, yet he was still able to drive off in the same car. How?**
** In Hawaii, if you drop a steel ball weighing 5 pounds from a height of 5 feet, will it fall faster in water 20 degrees Fahrenheit, 40 degrees Fahrenheit, or will there be no difference at all?**
This ones a mongrel !
**You have an unknown quantity of pennies laying on a table. You're blindfolded and wearing gloves (so you can't feel the pennies face.) 10 of the pennies are heads up, the remaining all have tails facing up. Your challenge is to divide the pennies into two groups so that there is an equal number of heads facing up in each group. You can pick them up, shake them up, do whatever you want just as long as you don't look at them or feel the face to determine which way the penny is. The two piles don't need to have an equal number of pennies, just an equal number of heads facing up. How do you do it? Good Luck!