<<He told me that the 12 month recommended shunning peroiod was from the date of DF'ing, not from the date of when someone tries to make their way back.>>
say what? does this mean they can only shun you for one year from the time you are DFed? Does this mean that my mother had shunned me for 16 years for no reason? Does this mean it is all a pile of crap? Tell me it isn't so.
Gotta find my copy of the elder's manual... fast
Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain. Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts. Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy. Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002
The elders showed up at my door in Fort Worth, Texas, on Thanksgiving and offered me the one-month deal also. I've been out for seven years now. They said if I applied for reinstatement, it would happen very quickly, one month at the most, and I would be officially reinstated. They offered this with the enthusiasm of a used car salesman hot to get me to buy a car. Woo hoo! Wotta deal! Of course, I'd have to give up associating with my three sisters (who have left and I am close to) and give up associating with any ex-dub, internet or otherwise.
Ugh, I agree with Scully. It sounds like their numbers aren't what they expected, and they're giving people an "easy in". What a steaming pile of s**t.
I've been called on twice by elders since leaving. The first time I was taken aback and so I wasn't impolite. The second time, I was not surprised as I saw the elder approaching my building and recognized him; I was living in a security building at the time and didn't even let him in the building, I just talked to him over the intercom. At that time I told him I didn't want to be contacted again. That was a good two years ago now and I've not heard from them again (thankfully!).
I think that what is meant is that everyone who is DF'd must be shunned for at least one year, no matter what. The way it appears now, is that the old sitting in the KH quarantine area is not required to last a year, if for example, someone "comes to their senses" years down the line. In that case a shorter period appears to be acceptable.
Mind you, when Doug Turnbull was DF'd as a DO, he was sentenced to 10 years minimum with no prospect of parole.
orangefatcat - they owe me 17 years - think they REALLY don't want me back - until 2 years ago they always knew exactly where I lived - all the time - now they might not know but I doubt it
Hmm now do I really want to come to my senses......
Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain. Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts. Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy. Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002
I would have told them to place their "one month deal" where the sun doth not cast it's luminous rays!!! They must be getting pretty desperate for converts in the KHs, to try and pull a stunt like this. Amazingly enough, they didn't realize that you're one of the world's most prolific apostates too!
Somebody should introduce these Elders to a browser and JW.COM. They would change their minds in short order.
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age
ROFLMAO.... Haven't had a call in over 4 years now.... I would howl laughing if I got an offer like that.... I keep hoping the elders will come and see me... especially the one who asked me to "leave my integrity" to come back to the KH.... lol.... that would be a moment I could revel in for quite some time... I know, it doesn't take much to amuse me... :)
Are as far as I am aware, this particular elder is the only dub for miles who knows why I was given the Order of the Welly Boot. I do have some fun sometimes when dubs apologise for not speaking to me, I always say: "Why not?" They mumble something incoherent and then I say: "You refuse to speak to me and you don't know what I did that was so terrible?"