Funny Shunning....

by Scully 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids


    Yes we have that nasty tasting lemon diet coke stuff! Seriously, I *DON'T* like that stuff; however, I have been known to squeeze fresh lemons into my diet coke "Hahahaaaaaa...I LIKE IT!!!"(What movie did Chevy Chase say that line in?? Anyone know?)


  • ARIE

    Thai happened a few years back. I happened to see my old best friend who happens to be married now (I was DF'd when I was 14 or 15)with his wife. They noticed me and quickly looked away, and he quickly moves to the other side of her, so that he is between her and I. He is looking at me like I am some kind of rapistm or something. Like I am going to attack her or something. Now bear in mind I am a police officer, and I was on duty. What is up with them?

  • coffee_black

    I was in a store once, and a dub saw me, looked horrified, froze for a split second, turned and ran as fast as she could out of the store!
    Looked like she saw a ghost!

    Before I left the borg, I shunned a lovely couple at the grocery store. I just pretended I didn't see them, and headed for another part of the store. A few years later, as I was leaving the borg, they were the first xjws I contacted, and they helped me more than I can say. We had a good laugh about the whole grocery store thing. They had never even seen me. They are among my very best friends today.


  • lv4fer

    I am still a JW. I took my kids bowling last night with about 40 others from our congregation. There was probably 20 adults there. I was pretty much ignored by every sister there unless I said something directly to them and they would answer and walk away. I barely got a hello from most of them. Just the one sister whom I've always been close with talked with me. Her daughter and mine are best friends. She gave me a hug when I was leaving, which was awkward but I think she saw the coldness towards me too.

    My daugthers friend told her that this brother (ministerial servant), told her dad (elder) that my son was at the store with his worldly friends and that her aunt saw my daughter walking down the street with her wordly friend. My kids thought it was like weird, don't they have more interesting topics of conversation. My daughters friend is like telling my daughter you know better than to go over to a wordly persons house. It's not like my kids were doing anything wrong. And they are talking about us. We must be sooo evil.

  • safe4kids

    How strange for them to treat you that way when you're still *in*, lv4fer.

    Sorry you had such an uncomfortable experience; it couldn't have been fun. Yet another sterling example of "christian love". What really gripes me is that children are treated so unlovingly even when it's the parents that the other jws are targeting for their special brand of tough love!!! GRRRRRR!


  • Hairy Harr
    Hairy Harr

    Nice job....we have to make them look rediculous to as many normal folks as possible. What's ironic is that they go to great lengths to tell people in person and the publications how normal they are, they they do stupid-ass, childish crap like shunning.

    ThiChi-I can see why you were freaked. They apparently forgot that trusting in the sign of the cross is gonna get them in big doodoo with the Big Guy. I've actually had a couple chit-chat with me lately (I'm not DA'd or DF'd)but usually it's the cold shoulder.

  • ThiChi


    My heart goes out to you....don't let it get you down.

  • Scully


    c'mon....... 2 more!!


    I'm so sorry to hear about the psychological abuse that's being used on you. And I'm sorry if the term "psychological abuse" surprises or shocks you, but I'm calling it what it is.

    You're right. You and your kids don't deserve it. You've done nothing wrong. When JWs extend a hand of friendship to other JWs and get rejected, I don't understand where on earth you're supposed to go to have your social needs met. That always bothered me when I was still in. It didn't matter how hospitable we were, or how hard we tried in service, or that we were regular in meeting attendance. Once a clique of JWs decides that you're going to be on the outside looking in, that's precisely where you stay. They 'put' you there so they have someone to snipe about behind your back. They put you there so they can look down on you and see your kids hanging out with "worldly" friends, and then justify their behaviour by saying that you weren't spiritual enough. Circular reasoning at its finest. Unchristian behaviour at its best.

    You're welcome here, unconditionally. My e-mail is open to you and anyone else who wants to chat.

    Love, Scully

  • alliwannadoislive

    agree completely with scully ...

    s'great to be free from it all innit ?

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