I've just been disfellowshipped!

by maksutov 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • maksutov
    Apparently it was announced last night. I was not informed (for 'legal reasons'), but they phoned my dad and told him. I understand it is due to my apostate book.

    I suppose my dad and in-laws will cut me off now, but we'll have to wait and see.
  • cappytan
  • jwleaks
    If you have not been a member of JW's for a number of years, in your case I understand 5 years, then you may have course of action under UK law. Start with the Charity Commission for England and Wales and lodge a formal complaint against the charity (congregation) in relation to their handling (mishandling) of this.
  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy
    That's it, I'm never talking to you again.. Oh dammit I just did.
  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge
    I hope your father doesn't cut you off. I can not imagine doing such to my child.
  • Oubliette

    I hope your father doesn't cut you off, but--sadly-I wouldn't be surprised.

    So many of us here have been shunned by family members.

    The power of cult, mind-control is very strong.

  • maninthemiddle

    adjusted knowledge,

    Not only did my dad attend the JC as a witness against me, both of my parents have cut me off.

    this was also after 5 years of inactivity.

    maksutov, I hope your parents are reasonable and I wish you the best.

    Born in JW AND wrote a book exposing the cult? Balls of steel. Good for you. Very sorry about the inevitable fallout. What does your family say?
  • stuckinarut2
    I genuinely admire your courage and convictions to make a stand as you have done!
  • OnTheWayOut
    So sorry to read that you might lose contact with some family members. But congratulations on being kicked out of an organization you really don't want to be associated with. And you now have more freedom to teach your young daughter properly. Power to you.

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