Why love God?

by joelbear 50 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gopher

    Hey Dorkydood,

    You've been on the board 11 months, and you need a quote!! Here's a link: http://www.famous-quotations.com


    The preceding post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    The opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • logical


    You should know by now religion is not from God, God does want us to live out our lives, through living out our lives and showing people love and kindness is how glory is given to Him.

    As for Moses, he extracted the urine a bit claiming glory for himself that didnt belong to him.

    He hasnt taken away our free thought. It is that free thought when misused which creates this world we live in with its pain and suffering. Why is what earthling man does with his OWN will and his OWN choices and his OWN mind God's fault?

  • gravedancer

    What color is God's penis? What does he use it for?


    The fact that we attribute a gender to him (oops - I said HIM).

    Whew boy (oh, damn did it again)

  • RWC

    Gopher, to answer your question, In the NIV version the word used in reverence, not fear. Verse 28 - Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.

  • gravedancer

    Does the fact that you give god a gender enable you to love it? Do you have to bestow human characteristics on god in order to have emotional feelings for it?

    If this is true how can you say you KNOW god? If this is true and god is not male or female then how many other things have you pretended to yourself?

  • 144thousand_and_one


    If God were female, she'd be Goddess. Of course God is male!!!!

  • d0rkyd00d

    Thanks gopher, maybe now i will finally be able to find a quote! This is kinda off topic, but if you believe the entire Bible thing, then it says God created man in his image.....so if he looks like a woman or somethin else, then adam was one HAIRY woman......

    Question: Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons? I wonder how many pictures have them drawn with such?

    Also, the entire "Man's suffering is due to man, and man making the wrong choices," is BS. In the Bible, God has made tons of people suffer simply because they don't believe what "God" wants them to believe, and to me, it sounds as if he's a two year old with all the powers of the universe. Only an immature little baby would get all pissed of when somebody has their own opinion about something. I THINK SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE IS OKAY! I think being violent in ANY way is wrong, yet God, although supposedly "hating" violence, has used it MANY times. If it is this thinking that causes suffering, then I will immediately stop, my eyes will become glazed over with the passion of serving the almighty, and when the appointed time comes i will go on a killing spree on everybody who believes differently than God wants.....

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    When people stop trying to pidgeon hole God in "he's this way" or "he's that way" or "why does he allow such and such" or "he should be...." or "the bible says this and the bible says that" --- when you stop and consider the creation, the universe, and all the wonderful positive things that make up life itself (I know, it's hard)...when you do that and exercise just the tiniest bit of faith that Someone bigger than yourself, your friends or mankind in general reallycares about you and you journey in this life ... then the question will be easily answered.

  • COMF

    really cares about you and your journey in this life

    He's that way, huh?

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    This is a difficult subject to respond to. For me to consider my reasons for loving God, I need to consider my belief in God.

    At one time I strongly believed in my love for God. I was in awe of His majesty and glory. I would look at a spectacular sunrise and lose my breath. Tears would visit unexpectedly as I gazed upon His creation. I did not equate my love for Him with a reward. There was no condition attached to my strong devotion. I felt by loving Him I loved myself as I was by His design a part of a whole. I viewed people as well as myself as an extension of God and thus embraced humanity.

    Today, I do not feel exactly the same. Somehow, the conditions that were placed on me receiving or being loved by a group I used to consider "God's people" caused me to change. How could I continue to love a God unconditionally who taught "His People" conditional love? Even Christ seemingly taught condition: John 15:10 "If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love..."

    Wow...I just realized...I loved because I thought I was loved. Seems my "unconditional" love was based on a condition...receiving "unconditional" love. *sigh* Back to the drawing board.

    (of the circular class)

    "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." ~Voltaire

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